hehehehh… i’m so excited i hv to blog abt this
a workshop on video production by FINAS is currently on going and our department, being the multimedia department was selected to be the venue for this workshop. today, they’re shooting a short movie and for one of the scenes, they need some (extra) actors and actresses. of course we (my colleagues & i) volunteered. bila lagi mo jadi bintang filem… hehehehh… u just hv to start somewhere, y’know…
it was just a short scene, where two people were waiting in front of the elevator as the numbers changed from 6 to 5 to 4 and to 3 (we’re at level 3) and then another 3 people arrived, and then the elevator opened and two people stepped out and the others go in. the scene is only about 2 – 3 minutes, depends on the elevator, but believe me, it takes us 7 shots! i was one of the first 2 (who was waiting in front of the elevator).
first and foremost, we did a rehearsal. the director said it was okay, except that we need to be closer to the elevator. so, ok, the real shoots took place. y’know what? i was so silly coz i get all nervous. i was just afraid i might giggle or worst still – laugh – in front of the camera. hv to take a deep breath before the director says “action!” ok, it works and i thought all was ok. but then, the director was not that satisfied so we had to do it all over again. this time, i borrowed my colleague’s handbag so that it looks more realistic. and plus, standing there, in front of the camera without anything to hold makes me feel all weird. ok, the elevator’s coming, and then when it opened, instead of two people stepping out, there are 4 of them so we cant help but let out an “eiiii…” silly! director said “cut!” hehehehhh… that’s the 2nd shot.
again…. in front of the elevator… the elevator came… suddenly “cut! Boom nampak!” – the mic man held the mic so low it entered the screen… oh dear… that was the 3rd shot. and then, start all over again, by this time, i was getting a bit relaxed. ok, the elevator is at the 4th floor, the director said, “action!” but then the elevator went to the 5th floor. “aiyaaa…. cut!” start all over again… i’m getting tired. hmmm… that was the 4th shot… and then this time, all of us are determined to give the best – so that we can go back to work. ok, “roll camera, action!” all was silent, suddenly “kok-kok-koooooo-kok”, “CUT!!!” yerrrr…. somebody forgot to put their cellphone to silent mode, and the rooster ringtone is so not cool… huh… i can’t believe it! that was the 5th shot!
now on to the 6th shot! everything went well and as soon as we stepped in the elevator and the door closed, all of us released a (very) loud laugh – reliefed that finally we manage to make a good shot! but hold it! that was only the 6th shot. we were told that when they played back the shot, the laugh (inside the elevator) can actually be heard! arghhhh!!!! by this time, i decided that i hate acting! it was fun though… so the 7th shot, it was all good! i feel euphoric but i dont think acting is for me.
so… that’s all… clap! clap! clap!