Both my geng bas sekolah who got me started on this game has successfully completed their challenges. As for me… i’m progressing, albeit very slowly..
So, in today’s challenge, I’m supposed to talk about my favourite superhero and i need to explain the whys.
My favourite superhero is.. Megamind!
What? No? Owh.. he’s a villain pula tu kan?? heheheh.. sorry..
ok, let’s try this again. My favourite superhero is Joker (from Batman : The Dark Knight) 😀
Owh, I’m sorry.. he’s a villain too..
Owh my goodness.. why is this so hard! Well, the truth is, I don’t really like the good guys because you know they will always win in the end. Too predictable!
Let’s take Ultraman for example. No matter how big, ugly, how notorious, how monstrous, how terrifying the monster is, Ultraman prevailed. Walaupun hampir2 kecundang.. the big lampung on his chest will always go ting!ting!ting! in the end. Bunyi kemenangan laitu…
But in order to accomplish this Day 6 challenge, I really need to favor a Superhero. Maka dengan ini, saya mengisytiharkan, my favourite superhero is…..
Hehehehe… ya la.. I knowww!!! it’s a lame classic choice!
Ei, but superman is very smart he can fool you without even trying to, u know? I mean, how can people NOT recognize him when he puts on his glasses and wears civilians clothes? See what I mean?? other superheroes wear masks, full-body leathery suits, change colours, etc etc but superman? what he did was just tuck his hook fringe back in place, put on his glasses and wear baju officeboy and voila!! he became Clark Kent, the nobody! He can even get away with wearing his sansut on the outside! isn’t that amazing???? How can you not like Superman?
On a different note, notice the menu on my banner? I have set up a photo gallery (Captured Memories) using the Facebook Photo Fetcher plugin. Easy-peasy! Took me only about 15 minutes. All these photos are fetched from my FB account and I can even select which Album to display. Totally loving it! Plugins like this made me glad I switched to WP.
Owh, and back to our Day 6 Challenge, I guess I can say : Mission Accomplished!