Looks like Jacee Badeaux didn’t make the cut after all. well, actually we don’t know the whole story yet. Probably he made it, but he withdrew, i don’t know for sure. The other 21 contestants from my previous entry did make it to Top 24 though.
3 other contestants who manage to place themselves on Top 24 are:-
1. Stefano Langone
Pic courtesy of truedat504.blogspot.com
I like this guy.. Clicking on invisible LIKE button. *Click*
2. Tatynisa Wilson
I’m having trouble uploading her photo. Based on her Beatles performance, I thought she won’t make it. Perhaps she blew the judges away on her final solo performance..
3. Thia Megia
Pic courtesy of pinoyhalo.com
Another talented young singer. would be interesting to watch.