Last Tuesday, while having lunch at 10:00 AM (the name of the restaurant ok, I’m not having lunch at PUKUL 10), i received an sms that says:
“CONGRATULATIONS! U hv won 3D/2N getaway to Equatorial Cameron Highland. To redeem, pls sign up to NOW! Call 0326888400 for info.”
At that time, since I was busy chatting and eating with my geng bas sekolah, I didn’t pay much attention to the SMS. Lagipun, I’ve had similar smses in the past and ALL of them were hoaxes.
After lunch, back at the office, I got a little curious so I re-read the sms. I noticed that it was sent from BSN’s sms number – u know, the same one that sent out TAC numbers when you want to do online transaction – so i got curiouser 😀 and i googled the exact sms. My google search returned only one hit, a recent entry by a blogger – in fact, the entry was only posted about an hour before. He claimed he has already contacted BSN and confirmed that the SMS is true!
Bah, me apa lagi.. I tried contacting BSN by phone, but couldn’t get through. I logged in to mybsn, there was nothing there. By then, I was already contemplating, to email or not to email. Sapa yg tidak mau 3D/2N getaway kan? Bah, so i sent out an email la enquiring about the sms kunu… I waited and waited and waited….
and waited some more, but no, there was no reply. So I thought, well, maybe I’m not the lucky one after all and decided to just forget about it.
Ermm… that concludes the story about the missed opportunity, right?
Well, at 1st I thought that was it, that was the end of the 3D/2N story. So I went cuti-cuti-Malaysia – ing with my family to Kundasang and the 3D/2N sms never crossed my mind. Came back from Kundasang on Saturday evening and although we have internet connection by then, I still couldn’t go online since I need to do housework – bah, no helper nowadays kan, the weekends are the only time to do all the cleanings, washings and stuffs.
Then today, when I checked my email, I saw this in my mailbox :
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your email.
You will need to register with our myBSN Internet Banking to redeem the voucher by this Friday, 18 March, 2011.
Kindly visit our website to know how to register.
Once you successfully register, kindly email us the details as below for verification purposes. Vouchers will be sent to your mailing address in 2 weeks time.
1. I/C Number
2. Mailing AddressThank you for using mybsn.
I was like “WHATTTT????? 18 MARCH???!!!” Dangggggggggg!!!!!!!! Cis!! Laknat! (*^^%$!@##@@$#$%#^%#$!$@$#^$%##!@#%^%&(*^%$%#@#@!!#
The email was sent on 17th March. Aduiii… napa laa sa x chk email sa on dat day… I was still in KK until 10am last Friday! Masih sampat daitu mo claim my 3D/2N Equatorial Cameron Highland Getaway… huhu….
So, that barulah concludes my missed opportunity story… DOUBLE MISSED owh! Cis!
P.S : Later on, I found out that it’s only a discount voucher anyway, but still… *sigh*