How much is 25 / 5?

i’m so bz FB-ing i don’t even have time to blog anymore.. almost all my childhood friends are now on FB making it fun to be on it 24×7..

but just so that my blog will still live to see September, i decided to share a video with you… i hope u’ll find it entertaining just like i do…

so, ready to know how much is 25 / 5?

Bitter Heart

Sun rays come down as seen when they hit the ground,
Children spinning around till they fall down down down.
I wait for you: it’s been two hours now,
You’re still somewhere in town,
Your dinners getting cold.
I rest my case you are always this late,
And you know how much I hate waiting around ’round ’round,

Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside,
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin’ just a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine.

And then you come and tell me the same reason as you did yesterday,
So tell me whats her name.
Doo doo da dum, doo doo da dum, doo doo doo doo doo doo da da dum dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum.

Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is just getting a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine.

Interesting Trivia about Mimi

i’ve been neglecting my blog – mainly because I was busy working [AHEM!!!] during the day and busy “farming” after office hour. And i’ve just realized that my last two entries are angry ones so i decided, today, i should spare a little time to entertain myself and hope u’ll find this amusing hehehe…

found this on Azlina’s blog. Thanks a lot for sharing, Sis

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mimi!

  1. If you toss Mimi 10000 times, she will not land heads 5000 times, but more like 4950, because her head weighs more and thus ends up on the bottom!
  2. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink Mimi!
  3. Ideally, Mimi should be stored on her side at a temperature of 55 degrees.
  4. You share your birthday with Mimi.
  5. Mimi can smell some things up to six miles away!
  6. Ostriches stick their heads in Mimi not to hide but to look for water.
  7. Mimi can sleep for three and a half years.
  8. Mimi can turn her stomach inside out!
  9. All swans in England belong to Mimi.
  10. Contrary to popular belief, Mimi is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.
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You should try this yourself hehehe…

1. wonder why my head weighs more??

2. well… hello there… I’m an American drink

3. is that in C or F?

4. WOW!!!! isn’t this KEWLLL??? I share my birthday with MIMI!!!

5. Huh!! now u know, dun pray2 haaa…

6. Ok… not only American but Ostriches too

7. TRUE!!

8. Wow!!!  

9. Yes!!! All swans belong to me

10. hehe.. so, let me get this straight. I’m a popular American Drink that people believe can sober up a drunk person but actually i can only worsened the drunkeness of a drunk person? now i’m confused….

hehehe… come to think of it, i think i should turn this into a tag. in that case, i’m tagging these people Joyce, Misako, CikSengal, Bee, Elcynthia, Kadusmama, Herda, Azlin, MamaMia and Rahma.


Hahahaha… this is so damn funny I couldn’t resist sharing this with the world.. sorry hunny hehehe

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jnr!

  1. If you don’t get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Jnr for the rest of the day.
  2. Early thermometers were filled with Jnr instead of mercury!
  3. Every day in the UK, four people die putting Jnr on!
  4. Britain’s Millennium Dome is more than double the size of Jnr.
  5. A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Jnr.
  6. On average, women blink nearly twice as much as Jnr!
  7. Jnr can usually be found in nests built in the webs of large spiders.
  8. Jnr can eat up to four kilograms of insects in a single night.
  9. If you lie on your back with your legs stretched it is impossible to sink in Jnr.
  10. While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes dressed up as Jnr.
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[Updated Again]

I couldn’t stop. This one is even funnier!!

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Leyana!

  1. Ancient Chinese artists would never paint pictures of Leyana!
  2. Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with Leyana!
  3. Leyana can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period.
  4. The Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter is made entirely of Leyana.
  5. Ostriches stick their heads in Leyana not to hide but to look for water.
  6. Four-fifths of the surface of Leyana is covered in water.
  7. Leyana can remain conscious for fifteen to twenty seconds after being decapitated!
  8. Leyana will often rub up against people to lay her scent and mark her territory.
  9. A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Leyana!
  10. Americans discard enough Leyana to rebuild their entire commercial air fleet every 3 months.
I am interested in – do tell me about

i like #3 & #7 hahahaha….

wow!!! A rhino’s horn is made from Compacted hubby and i hehehe…


It really pisses me off when ppl who obviously are not Harry Potter fans went to watch the movie and tell the whole world that it is a ‘TYPICAL’ Harry Potter movie – that the cerita is TERGANTUNG  or no ending or whatsoever!!!

Now you listen here idiot!!

Let me enlighten you a bit.

Did you know that there are 7 Harry Potter books out there and the ENDING is in Book 7??? Of course the movies has no ending yet because the ENDING is in BOOK 7!!!

So enough of the ‘TYPICAL HP MOVIE’ and ‘CERITA TERGANTUNG’ thingies!! Perhaps you didn’t even watch the previous movies, pandai2 pula TYPICAL HP MOVIE’ and ‘CERITA TERGANTUNG’!!


Jangan tengok la bah kalau nda paham cerita!! Palui!!


SIAL PUNYA PENCURIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







The Mask

New international (Read : China) students will be arriving and registering today. of course they have to undergo a tight health screening before entering the country but just to be on the safe side, for security measure, everyone who is on duty for the registration has to put on the mask today.


Perhaps I Should..

hubby and the kids are playing badminton at the front lawn.. wanted to join them but i’m kinda having a crappy day today… i think mostly because of the heat and because of the blackouts we’ve been having since friday.

i feel quite bad coz i know it’s Father’s day today and i should be doing something good for hubby instead of snapping at every word he said. but then again, blame it on the weather. sapa suruh telampau panas!

now, let me drag u guys back to my previous ‘burning’ question. Should I or shouldn’t I go to my convocation.

i said earlier that I’m not keen on going and thank you for all your comments.

i felt the need to justify the reasons behind my ‘not keen on going’ statement after reading anonymous’ comment. not that i’m offended – well, maybe slightly – but i do have my reasons, ok.

1. i’ll be 30 yrs old this year and i am only about to receive my bachelor’s degree scroll. my degree convo should have been 8 years ago, if only i didn’t spend my time getting distracted by so many insignificant things. i should hv not wasted my time. 30 yrs old, this is supposed to be the time i attended my master’s degree convo. so, i’m not keen on going because this is not supposed to be the right time for me to receive it. i don’t feel the excitement anymore…

2. i sat in convocation ceremony every year since 2003. this year should be my 6th year being on duty during convo. and i’ve seen the havoc caused by students outside the hall, i’ve seen havoc caused by parents and relatives during convo and i thought to myself, i don’t wanna be a part of that chaos just to receive a piece of scroll. i know i’d be one of the responsible ones (ahem!) but i also know that almost all the others won’t. Gosh!! God forbid, if someone fell, i’m sure she/he would be trampled upon without mercy. talk about all those supposed to be educated ppl, most of them are too proud to follow instructions.

3. when i asks my friends on what’s so special about convocation, most of them said it’s because u’ll get your photo taken with your robe on. i thought, if that’s what the excitement is all about, i can just rent a robe and take photos at a studio and around the university. but then again, taking photos at the university i work for doesn’t make sense to me. i mean, i can always take photos around the university anytime, i work there…

4. i’ll get my 4 passes for 4 family members to be in the hall during the ceremony. who should i invite? hubby? my parents?? i don’t think they are keen on going too… like i said before, the time has passed and the excitement is not there anymore.

5. i think i’ll look funny in the convo attire.


after reading Misako’s comment, it made me realize that going to convo is not only about me, not about what i felt, not about whether the excitement is there or not… sorry… how selfish of me! I’ve never thought that going to convo is actually one of the many ways i can thank all the teachers and lecturers that hv sacrificed their weekends just so that we, the off-campus students can get the chance to receive the scroll! going to convo is on of many ways for me to be grateful for my second chance! sudahlah nda bagi apa2 sama diorg… at least walking up the stage and receiving the scroll will give them the joy, the happiness and the reasons on why they are doing what they do… other than Misako, i think there would be another 2 or 3 lecturers who’d feel honored seeing me up there… i really hope they would be there.. coz i wouldn’t have my second chance if it wasn’t because of you!

so i’ve made my decision.

I am going to attend the 11th UMS Convocation, not for me, but for everyone that have supported me throughout the 5 years of studying and I’ll make sure hubby and my parents are going to be there too!

anyways, i’ll be running the 10K run a day before my convo so…. i might look horribly sunburnt on my convo day. anybody wants to volunteer paitunging my face???

Tomorrow is my BIG day

well… i’m not getting married (again) if that’s ur definition of the BIG day.

tomorrow is my FYP (Final Year Project) presentation, also known as viva for some ppl. i dunno but i prefer the term presentation to viva. viva sounds so… so advance. and so formal too it sort of gives me the chill when i say viva.

still doing some touch-ups, tying some loose ends… hopefully i won’t miss any and cross my fingers, i hope i can do OK tomorrow. volunteered to be the 1st presenter mainly bcos, i don’t like waiting… the longer the wait, the busier all the butterflies in my stomach get. fluttering fluttering fluttering… owh i couldn’t stand that. better get it over and done with quickly.

i had almost given up on my FYP – again. i thought, i’d better do it next semester, or next next semester… but then again, if i postponed, i don’t think i can do any better than this. i guess i’d still be procrastinating, whining instead of doing what i’m supposed to do, doing all the stuffs last minute – what difference will it make?

looking back, it’s been 5 years since i started this off-campus program. almost all of my batch graduated last year. i deferred a semester coz i had ellone. was thinking of deferring another semester when i was pregnant with xavier, but luckily i didn’t. if i did, i would probably be extending until nx year. and i didn’t do all that bad… when i was pregnant with xavier, i had still manage to score 3 As out of the 6 subjects taken during that semester.

and hope i’ll be graduating this year. i guess i’m quite lucky coz i am one of the few students who maintained 3 pointers and above for all the semesters… considering the facts that i’m a mother of two, a wife to a wonderful and supportive husband, an employee to the department yang kadang2 pandai tiba2 bz, a DIL, a daughter – i’d still manage to survive with quite good grades.

and i still have one burning question.

if i manage to graduate this year, do you think i should go for my convocation? i wasn’t that keen on going. maybe i should just rent the robe and go to some studio and take a graduation photo.

ok… time to do the touch ups!