ok.. links fixed

alrighty… all links are now up and running but i’m pretty sure i missed some of them, especially the newly added ones. pls aa dear friends, if your blog is missing from my list, let me know.

how’s the new look? i kinda love this layout so i’m going to stick with it for a while.

hehe… guess i won’t be going on hiatus after all… have a few spare time during this holiday. took monday and wednesday off so, i actually have a very2 long weekend. misti malas mo balik kerja ni.

will be back later, need to go jalan2 cari makan..


Blog Links

i’m being a stupid moron again.

was changing my blog theme and dengan sesuka hati, deleted all the widgets, including all the blog links!

i’m in the process of updating my blog links… luckily i still have some of them in my other blog. if after a week and u still didnt see your blog on my page, do let me know,k???

unfortunately, now it’s raining cats and dogs, along with thunders and lightnings, guess the updating will have to wait til 2moro. k la… hv to go, b4 sesuatu yg tidak diingini berlaku.

nite2 peeps

Please! Please! Please! Vote for my baby…

this is the final week of the Mix.fm‘s Baby Idol contest. i’ve known about this since it started in Feb, but dunno, i was not that keen on submitting an entry. now, di saat-saat akhir baru la… so, please please please pleaseeeeeeeee…………..

how to vote, well…

1. go to Mix.fm‘s website.

2. Click on Baby Idol.

3. Enter Xavier in the Search by Baby’s Name field & Submit.

4. so far, there are only 3 xaviers, my son being on top. His full name is Francis Xavier Ariffin III. Click number 10 on the baby bottle. Remember, number 10 aaa…

just in case u’re not really sure, here’s my son’s pic.


oya, and i would really appreciate it if you can keep voting everyday until July 31st. and ask your colleague(s) to vote too.



which one to choose?

i’m contemplating on which one to buy.
1st choice:

Coach Legacy Stripe Tote

been wanting to hv this bag for sooooo long. now, when i finally hv the budget for it, having second thought pula…


2nd choice:

Coach Large Carly Signature

This one is also nice…


3rd choice:

Sony PSP Slim & Lite – Felicia Blue

heheh… lain kategori plak 3rd choice ni. Kenapa la  kalau teda beg pun!


each and every strand of my hair has a mind of their own – so selfish, they refuse to be considerate and tolerate with one another. each and every one of them wants to go their own way. each and every one of them wants to have their own look. there is a strand who likes to be extremely curly, there is a strand that chose to be so thin and transparent, there are a few strands who likes to fight with each other they end up tangled, there is one strand that thought it is funny to break into several ‘branches’ – trust me, this one has a serious split personality problem. sometimes it can even have like 14 ‘branches’ – well, not funny, ok? yes, i counted them. some of them are only babies, they stand out in the crowds, i am just afraid the sparrows will find them too comfortable and turn them into their nests and lay eggs in them. then there are some who went for plastic surgery to ‘whiten’ their skin – mind you, they are not even friends.

i have tried so hard to get them to work with each other, but they just wouldn’t listen. they are afraid of the shampoo girl at Julia’s though… they will behave, but after a few days, they will start to wander on their own again.

i don’t wear make-ups

not even lipsticks

so do you realize that the hair is suppose to play a very important role on a person like me?


Should I…. or Shouldn’t I….

go to the KK Bloggers Meet?

Thanks for the invite, Gall, but i’m still contemplating dis. i dunno… mmm… shy shy cat bah kunun nih

i know i dont hv much time to make decision *tick-tock-tick-tock* but seriously, i couldnt decide.

i should probably go… after all, this was my dream, to hv a sabahan bloggers community… and was it a coincidence? coz i posted that entry on June 30th, 2005 – which in 2 days, will be exactly 2 years ago. or, perhaps i hv some kind of psychic ability to predict the future

and did you know? that particular post was actually part of Giuk.net‘s history. that post was one of the reasons that has led to the creation of Giuk.net eh, ya ka mrB? prasan plak sya ni….

anyhoo…. i’m still a bit hesitant about going to this gathering… i dont know why…

and mrB? where are u when i needed u most? i need u to decide for me. and since mrB and papajoneh are bringing bodyguards , i’ll be bringing mine too, if i decide to go.

promise i’ll come up with a decision before midnight

yaii… mcm antara hidup dan mati ja