Sing Song Na Na Na…

Lately, i’ve noticed that my soon-to-be 2 yrs old son has developed a ‘passion’ for singing hehehehe…


usually he would only sing along to his favourite songs like Ruang Rindu by Letto, Higgly Town Heroes, Mickey Mouse Hot Dog song and Pink’s So What hehehe…

but yesterday, i caught him singing like this :-

Buwu kakak choowa
Hiiiyap yee jiyiya
Nenek syuta choowa
hiiya chika choowa

Can you guess what song is that? hehehe…

i thought it was sooo cute (sorry- puji anak sendiri) and i was trying so hard not to giggle. he repeat it for about 3 times but immediately stopped when he noticed his mommy grinning…

now dowan to sing oredi… 🙁

Sunday Afternoon in Photoscape

it was at about 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon that i decided to stripwash all my cds – well, except for the fitted ones coz i’m not using them anymore.

and why?

because cd mommas worst nightmares had happen to me! yesterday night, i noticed xavier’s bum had a very nasty rash. it was so terrible, i almost cried when i saw them. had to switch to disposable for the moment. this afternoon, rather than chasing xavier around, i decided that it is a very good time for me to do stripwashing. i end up washing all 20 of them (5 AIOs, 2 fleece pockets and the rest pockets) coz i don’t know which one caused the rash. i’ve never done it before, and i’m not really sure whether it is advisable to stripwash that many cds at one time. cd mommas out there, do let me know if this is a big no-no, ok?

right now, i am also experimenting on Photoscape 3.1 which i downloaded for free a few weeks ago. i never really had the chance to play around with until today and i find it very interesting. Photoscape is a simple photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos. here are some of the pics i edited using Photoscape.


stripwashing 20 cds. come to think of it, i realized that i’ve never handwashed anything for the last six or seven yrs. no wonder my hands and back felt so stiff right now. and some of you might cringe to the idea of brushing your cds… well, i don’t think a soft-bristled toothbrush would do any harm here.

and after all the cds have been handwashed, dump all into the washing machine without any detergent, just plain water to properly rinse the remaining soap on the cds – again, i’m not sure whether this is recommended. while waiting, i took a few shot of my 2 "churen".



woops! main tanah!


bila telepas dari kurungan…


football training

eii??? where’s jiejie?



finally… time to hang the cds… and it’s already 5:00 in the evening…


hopefully some will be dry tomorrow morning. otherwise, no space to hang the other clothes.

there are a lot more Photoscape can do, but i don’t have the time right now. why don’t you go and try it yourself…

Please! Please! Please! Vote for my baby…

this is the final week of the‘s Baby Idol contest. i’ve known about this since it started in Feb, but dunno, i was not that keen on submitting an entry. now, di saat-saat akhir baru la… so, please please please pleaseeeeeeeee…………..

how to vote, well…

1. go to‘s website.

2. Click on Baby Idol.

3. Enter Xavier in the Search by Baby’s Name field & Submit.

4. so far, there are only 3 xaviers, my son being on top. His full name is Francis Xavier Ariffin III. Click number 10 on the baby bottle. Remember, number 10 aaa…

just in case u’re not really sure, here’s my son’s pic.


oya, and i would really appreciate it if you can keep voting everyday until July 31st. and ask your colleague(s) to vote too.



Xavier at 10 mths

this pic was actually taken last month… will be replaced with new pic tonite.

height : 75cm
weight : 9.5kg

at 10 mths he knows how to :

clap hands
take steps while holding on to furniture (cruising)
sit on his own
Pick things up using ‘pincer grasp’ or using thumb and finger
Respond to his name

now he also has one upper & two lower front teeth..

mm.. apa lagi aaa…

he loves Bob the Builder song.

mm… thats all for now la. i think he’s a bit slower than ellone but then again, ellone is a bit of a fast learner. some ppl also said that boys tend to be a bit slow compared to girls. dunno if it’s true lah… anyhoo… everything is fine bah, as long as he’s right on track, kan?

Xavier at 7 Months

xavier caught fever for the first time. luckily he’s not that cranky… but what worries me was that he doesnt want to be bottlefed i had to spoon feed the milk to him. tapi kuat makan laa… and he was such a good boy, took his ubat without a fuss! punya sinang kasi makan ubat…. not like the sister.. paling susah mo kasi makan ubat di dalam dunia!

took him to see the doctor yesterday, doctor said fever biasa saja… nothing to be worried about. belum ada gigi lagi… timbang & sukat tinggi also

weight : 9.0kg
height : 69.9cm

Dr.’s comment : standard 9 months punya size!

The day she broke her nose!

well, not really sure if the nose is really broken but she fell and hit her nose on the tv cabinet. had a little cut and it was swollen a bit. i know i should have taken her to the doctor but i didnt. cried like hell but after jnr put the pink plaster on the cut, she seems ok. just look at the pics below…

mengambil gambar dengan segala sukacita lagi
mcm model pink plaster pula

but after a week, i think her nose is still swollen and mcm biut sikit