Day 03 – A picture of you and your friends


Day 3 challenge today… i thought this one is going to be easy. to my surprise, this challenge turned out to be one of the toughest coz i have so many pictures with different sets of friends and i was actually having a hard time to choose! After spending 1 1/2 days to select a photo, i finally decided on this one..

L-R : Felicia (Licia), Samantha (Tantha), Yours Truly (Mimi), Bannecy (Bibie), Judith (Udit)

We’re not required to describe this photo k but, i want to 😀

these set of friends are my dearest and oldest childhood friends… we’ve known each other since kindy, except for Tantha. Tantha and I have known each other a lot longer, i think since we’re 3 yrs old 🙂 our dads are good friends so, it’s only natural that we got to know each other at such a young age.

ok, now you might wonder, why the ‘funky’ outfits hehehe… FUNKY lah mangkali… these are our working attire hehe.. this photo was taken in 1997 if i’m not mistaken. we have just taken our SPM exam and while waiting for our result, we were employed by the company where our dads work for a job at a Flower Nursery. The nursery was located at a copper mine at the foot of Mount Kinabalu.

It was very very cold there, the mine was in a near-constant cover of clouds every day (curi ayat dari Twilight novel :-P), the sun only comes out like 1-2 hours in the afternoon. I love it there… although we have to work like gardeners, it was just a wonderful experience and I’m really glad I got to be a part of it. there was also a green house where they plant tomatoes & strawberries organically. the green house was a restricted area, but we always curi2 masuk and “stole” the strawberries hehehe… berebut-rebut lagi tu.. hisyyy.. kurang senonoh perangai… 😀 there was also a baby bear called Lucky. I heard they caught Lucky around that area and they decided to keep it. I wonder where is Lucky now..

We became a very famous group of girls at the mine because we’re the only teenage girls amongst almost all male employers. We were loud, silly, funny and we always sing! One can only imagine the chaos and the noise we made back then. Those were one of the best time of my life.. we got paid RM10 per day and being a seventeen yrs old at that time, I don’t have any worry in the world except for my dad finding out that the guy I fancy was secretly giving me driving lessons with a 4×4 hilux at the mine and also on our almost 10 miles way home. That was fun…

Where are they now?

Licia is working as an officer in LHDN Sarawak.

Tantha is a secretary in one of the IT companies in KK, married with 2 kids, a girl and a boy, staying in Putatan.

Bibie is a teacher, teaching at a remote school somewhere in Keningau, married also with 2 kids, a boy and a girl.

Udit is also a teacher, teaching also at some remote area in Telupid, married with 2 kids and soon to have another one..

Sigh… sedih pula reminiscing at the old times :-)..

for my childhood friends, for this special Day 3 Challenge, i’m dedicating this poem to you la.. sya curi from a hallmark card.. 😛


Though many of life’s pleasure,
may change from year to year,
Old friendships never change at all
except to grow more dear,
and just like cherished memories,
they have a place apart…
a place reserved forever,
in a corner of the heart.

Nah… habis crita utk entry niari…

Day 3 Mission Accomplished!

Day 02 – The meaning behind your Blogger name

This day 2 challenge is supposed to be done yesterday, but I was busy working (was trying not to blog during office hr) and when i got home, i have to be a mother/wife and do house chores. by the time I’m done, it’s already 9:30 pm. the kids were supposed to be in bed at 9:00pm but since I’m not asleep yet, they continue to watch Astro Boy! quickly put the kids to bed, felt so tired, forgot to mandi and fell fast asleep myself.. i only mandi this morning!

so, enough about that, let’s get down to business!

The meaning behind my Blogger name. Now I’m a bit confused here, am I supposed to tell stories about my Blogger name or my Blog name? My Blogger name is Mimi Matimbun, which is my name – but I’m guessing that this entry is actually about my ‘BLOG’ name. Bah, baik la..

The Voice Within. Why? because…. when I started blogging back in 2003, most of the bloggers blog anonymously. don’t ask me why but the trend back then was that way, myself included. Since I love Christina Aguilera and since I’m blogging anonymously, I thought The Voice Within was perfect. The voice inside of me, the stories that I feel more comfortable writing rather than talking, and if you go back to my entries in those years, I curse a lot… that was one of the voices within me 😀

of course when i decided not to be anonymous anymore, some of my entries had to be re-edited, hidden and when i found out that people from my workplace and my boss read my blog, i started to filter my entries. to tell you the truth, that actually spoils the fun for me. I don’t get to write to my heart’s content anymore.. semua bertapis… now have to write about good stuff only. no fun!

so i guess that’s all about my blog name. nothing special, as usual..

Day 2 Mission Accomplished!!

Day 01 – A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Hello hello, People!!!

Look who’s here??!! Woot woottt!!! Yup, I’m back and excited to start on my Day 1 challenge. Bah, Bring it on, bebeh…!

Nah! Ambek mu!! Taken on Dec 19, 2010 while indulging myself with the super-sinful irresistible Magnum Almond Icecream. Yummy…

Now, 15 interesting facts about myself. Well, I’m not an interesting human being so, sorry to disappoint you people 😀

1. I’m the eldest of 5 siblings, I have 3 brothers and a sister. [i hope i’m not breaking the rules here. klu ikut betul, these are already 3 facts]

2. I have an autism brother, he’s turning 30 this year 🙂

3. I’m married (duh!) and have 2 beautiful kids, Ellone and Xavier.

4. My daughter’s name Ellone is from a computer game Final Fantasy VIII and my son’s full name has a ‘III’ as in ‘the third’.

5. I self-taught myself to play the guitar & keyboard.

6. I love sports and I can play almost all of the commonly know sports – but I was never an expert in any of them. Slightly above average, but never the best.

7. i don’t eat duck and rabbit bcos i think they’re cute.

8. i tend to think like a programmer even on non work-related matters. i always have if-then-else thinking… always have switch-case-default… programmers would understand…

9. I was born in Tambunan, but grew-up in Ranau. I’ve spent more than half of my life (18 yrs) in Ranau so Ranau felt more like home to me.

10. I’m an adventurous person. I like extreme sports, though I had to tone it down now that I have 2 little mes to think about 🙂

11. I’m a rebel, and I’ve always known that since at a young age.

12. I’m also a lazy person, I like procrastinating.

13. I’m not good with kids.

14. I’m not a good cook.

15. I don’t wear make-ups, sometimes even on special occasion.

Nah.. thr u go! Told you thrs nothing interesting up thr.. only stuffs u already knew.. Well, that was easy… Day 1 Mission Accomplished!

Just For Fun

-Disclaimer Starts-

This entry is done just for fun. Whoever terasa DILARANG MARAH TETAPI MESTI KETAWA BERSAMA-SAMA. If you happen to be the boss, sorry, let’s just pretend i didn’t do this during office hour. You have to forgive us anyway, nx week will be Raya and Raya is the time to forgive and forget, rightttt????

-Disclaimer Ends-

Next week, more than half of the office will be on Raya leave. so naturally, everyone is already on cuti-cuti mode. malas suda mo buat kerja. si kicik, perhaps practicing on her creative thinking skill came up with a brilliant idea.

trippin.overyou: mari kita buat nickname baru

Mesyel Matimbun: apa?

Mesyel Matimbun: nickname untuk?

trippin.overyou: nickname utk call around di ofis

trippin.overyou: tapi guna character disney

Mesyel Matimbun: sya tau

Mesyel Matimbun: yg suka berkicau tu sya panggil mickey mouse

trippin.overyou: nickname utk kita ba,utk call di ofis

Mesyel Matimbun: oooo

trippin.overyou: cam kalo ada org call cari ko, trus sy panggil, "goofy, call utk ko!"

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: camtu

Mesyel Matimbun: SOT

trippin.overyou: siok tu

Mesyel Matimbun: jadi sya goofy la?

Mesyel Matimbun: ** yg ngam goofy

trippin.overyou: example la baaaa

trippin.overyou: iya ** goofy, ok kompem

trippin.overyou: ko mo apa?

Mesyel Matimbun: sya mau snow white

trippin.overyou: emm..

trippin.overyou: cam panjang mo panggil

Mesyel Matimbun: 2 syllable saja pun

Mesyel Matimbun: mcm goofy juga

trippin.overyou: cancel la character disney, guna nama superhero

trippin.overyou: ok sy mo batman

trippin.overyou: jgn ambil la

Mesyel Matimbun: ok… sya joker

Mesyel Matimbun: yg heath ledger aa

trippin.overyou: ok, batman joker booked

trippin.overyou: tapi joker bukan superhero laaaa

Mesyel Matimbun: lilian apa? catwoman?

Mesyel Matimbun: ihhhh…….

Mesyel Matimbun: nle juga bah tu

Mesyel Matimbun: *ble

trippin.overyou: invisible woman la lilian

trippin.overyou: akun juga sy panggil walopun pjg

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: ba pasni,jgn panggil sy ebs aaa

Mesyel Matimbun: ok ok sya tau sya apa

trippin.overyou: apa

Mesyel Matimbun: alah… mcm byk pilihan

Mesyel Matimbun: ok, sya claire

trippin.overyou: superhero ka tu

Mesyel Matimbun: ya bah

Mesyel Matimbun: cuba ko tanya malai

trippin.overyou: eeee

Mesyel Matimbun: apa power c claire bilang

trippin.overyou: mesti yg dari marvel comic ja ba

Mesyel Matimbun: ok ok

Mesyel Matimbun: sya rogue la

trippin.overyou: susah mo sebut

Mesyel Matimbun: rog

Mesyel Matimbun: isy cancel la

Mesyel Matimbun: bida

trippin.overyou: teda unsur2 komersil tapi sukati ko la

Mesyel Matimbun: jap sya cari dulu

Mesyel Matimbun: sya pi blogthings dulu

trippin.overyou: ba

trippin.overyou: kak lin superwoman

Mesyel Matimbun: sya mo buat tu quiz dulu yg what superhero tu

trippin.overyou: tu pun ba…ba take ur time

Mesyel Matimbun: supaya ngam sama sya punya personality

trippin.overyou: ingat a pasni panggil sy batman

Mesyel Matimbun: hmmm

Mesyel Matimbun: sya kuat2 panggil

trippin.overyou: ba cepat la kasi nick ko supaya sy boleh panggil balik

Mesyel Matimbun: Nah kannnnn

Mesyel Matimbun: sya sudah buat tu quiz

trippin.overyou: trus?

Mesyel Matimbun: Which of the X-Men Are You?

Mesyel Matimbun: trus

You Are Rogue

You’re reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal.
You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can’t control.
Powers: absorbing other people’s memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch

Mesyel Matimbun: You Are Rogue

Mesyel Matimbun: You’re reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal.
You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can’t control.

Powers: absorbing other people’s memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch

Mesyel Matimbun: wow!!!

Mesyel Matimbun: awsomer than batman

trippin.overyou: MANA TU KUZI?

trippin.overyou: *KUIZ

Mesyel Matimbun:

Mesyel Matimbun: oops…

Mesyel Matimbun: itu result sya

Mesyel Matimbun: kijap

Mesyel Matimbun: ini

trippin.overyou: sy try sy punya lu

trippin.overyou: ala iceman

trippin.overyou: bida juga

Mesyel Matimbun:

Mesyel Matimbun:

Mesyel Matimbun: hmm… ngam juga

Mesyel Matimbun: always cool maa

trippin.overyou: sy stick wit batwan ja

trippin.overyou: *batman

Mesyel Matimbun: bah… mana2 ja la

trippin.overyou: ok kompem batman, ko?

Mesyel Matimbun: ntah la

Mesyel Matimbun: blm decide lagi

Mesyel Matimbun: inda best juga tu rogue

Mesyel Matimbun: rog – ol

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: heheheh

trippin.overyou: scary oo rog

Mesyel Matimbun: gini la

Mesyel Matimbun: ko dulu la aa

Mesyel Matimbun: napa bila sya tulis ROG

Mesyel Matimbun: sya terimagine binatang yg mcm rhino

Mesyel Matimbun: tp yg ganas

Mesyel Matimbun: oya mcm itu kungfu panda punya prison guard

trippin.overyou: sy imagine guni

trippin.overyou: ntah la..rog

Mesyel Matimbun: ol

Mesyel Matimbun: ewww

trippin.overyou: hehe

Mesyel Matimbun: sya fikir2 dulu la

Mesyel Matimbun: ko dulu la jd batman aa

trippin.overyou: ba

trippin.overyou: ohya, tukar lg

trippin.overyou: iceman la

Mesyel Matimbun: so klu bos cari ko

Mesyel Matimbun: batman! bos panggil

trippin.overyou: ya tp iceman

Mesyel Matimbun: ooo… iceman ka?

Mesyel Matimbun: ok ok

Mesyel Matimbun: iceman! bos panggi;

Mesyel Matimbun: *panggil

trippin.overyou: sbb batman cam kluang man plak,low standard

Mesyel Matimbun: icemen pula mcm aisehmen

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: hehehe

Mesyel Matimbun: bah, apa la ygko mau?

Mesyel Matimbun: keluangman?

trippin.overyou: ok, ni muktamad aaa

trippin.overyou: sy mau…

trippin.overyou: cyclops!

trippin.overyou: muktamad, teda prubahan smpai pencen

Mesyel Matimbun: cyclops bukan yg monster 1 mata ka?

Mesyel Matimbun: ok la ok la

Mesyel Matimbun: mystique

trippin.overyou: inda pa, janji sedap sebut

Mesyel Matimbun: sya mystique

trippin.overyou: ok ko mistik

Mesyel Matimbun: cuba ko pi google

Mesyel Matimbun: cari image cyclops

trippin.overyou: kajap

Mesyel Matimbun: yang ada tanduk tu kiut

trippin.overyou: lain juga 1 mata

Mesyel Matimbun: yg hijau2 sikit ada tanduk tu


trippin.overyou: cisss

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: lawa2 lagi kunun image mystique tu

Mesyel Matimbun: of korrrssssss

trippin.overyou: ada ka kak lin mo pussycat!

trippin.overyou: ada ka superhero pussycat?

Mesyel Matimbun: hahhh???

Mesyel Matimbun: mana dia dpt tu?

trippin.overyou: ntah…eee

trippin.overyou: pastu mo shrek pulak

Mesyel Matimbun:

Mesyel Matimbun: mangkali dia ingat masi lagi disney

Mesyel Matimbun: tp shrek bukan disney

Mesyel Matimbun:

Mesyel Matimbun: malai mo tau napa

trippin.overyou: suda sy kestau

trippin.overyou: dia pun pilih2 lu

Mesyel Matimbun: ble ka sya blog kita punya chat script ni

trippin.overyou: ba

trippin.overyou: sy suruh kak lin ambik hulk

Mesyel Matimbun: tp terpaksa ada unnecessary censorship ooo

Mesyel Matimbun: apa hulk hogan?

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: mo censor apa juga

Mesyel Matimbun: nanti ada yg marah

Mesyel Matimbun: sebab mula2 mo kana panggil goofy

Mesyel Matimbun:

trippin.overyou: owh…si **

trippin.overyou: ba berkuatkuasa lepas raya

Mesyel Matimbun: ko rasa dia pandai marah ka tu

trippin.overyou: berkuatkuasa lepas raya,mesti panggil nick

Mesyel Matimbun: ok

Mesyel Matimbun: sya mystique aa

Mesyel Matimbun: confirm

trippin.overyou: ok ok

trippin.overyou: ko censor ja la part goofy tu

trippin.overyou: oh ya,jgn lupa kasi link di blog sy ah

Mesyel Matimbun: klu sya censor nama ja?

trippin.overyou: bulih juga

trippin.overyou: tapi inda juga ba dia marah tuu

Mesyel Matimbun: tulis disclaimer

Mesyel Matimbun: dilarang marah

trippin.overyou: ya, dia inda bulih la marah kalo suda ada disclaimer

trippin.overyou: dia kan taat sama disclaimer

Mesyel Matimbun: ya

Mesyel Matimbun: klu sya kasi title Just For Fun ok ka?

trippin.overyou: ok,jgn la ba risau tul,blog ko juga

trippin.overyou: sukati ko mo tulis apa sana

trippin.overyou: tinggi juga trafik tu

trippin.overyou: cuba tinguk status ym kami


Mesyel Matimbun: so, kak lin phoenix la kunun?

trippin.overyou: yup2

Mesyel Matimbun: mmm… ok la tu

trippin.overyou: fi-nix

Mesyel Matimbun: ok

Mesyel Matimbun: nickname accepted


And that’s all the entertainment for the evening, and i’d like to wish everyone