Sunday Afternoon in Photoscape

it was at about 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon that i decided to stripwash all my cds – well, except for the fitted ones coz i’m not using them anymore.

and why?

because cd mommas worst nightmares had happen to me! yesterday night, i noticed xavier’s bum had a very nasty rash. it was so terrible, i almost cried when i saw them. had to switch to disposable for the moment. this afternoon, rather than chasing xavier around, i decided that it is a very good time for me to do stripwashing. i end up washing all 20 of them (5 AIOs, 2 fleece pockets and the rest pockets) coz i don’t know which one caused the rash. i’ve never done it before, and i’m not really sure whether it is advisable to stripwash that many cds at one time. cd mommas out there, do let me know if this is a big no-no, ok?

right now, i am also experimenting on Photoscape 3.1 which i downloaded for free a few weeks ago. i never really had the chance to play around with until today and i find it very interesting. Photoscape is a simple photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos. here are some of the pics i edited using Photoscape.


stripwashing 20 cds. come to think of it, i realized that i’ve never handwashed anything for the last six or seven yrs. no wonder my hands and back felt so stiff right now. and some of you might cringe to the idea of brushing your cds… well, i don’t think a soft-bristled toothbrush would do any harm here.

and after all the cds have been handwashed, dump all into the washing machine without any detergent, just plain water to properly rinse the remaining soap on the cds – again, i’m not sure whether this is recommended. while waiting, i took a few shot of my 2 "churen".



woops! main tanah!


bila telepas dari kurungan…


football training

eii??? where’s jiejie?



finally… time to hang the cds… and it’s already 5:00 in the evening…


hopefully some will be dry tomorrow morning. otherwise, no space to hang the other clothes.

there are a lot more Photoscape can do, but i don’t have the time right now. why don’t you go and try it yourself…

My Cloth Diaper Care Set


last thursday, during the Labour’s Day holiday, i went to shop for what i call my cloth diaper care set. after reading miabambina‘s entry on washing cloth diapers for the hundredth time, i finally realized that if i’m going to be serious in cloth diapering, i should have my care set so that whenever i wanted to do strip washing or "vinegaring" or "baking soda-ing" my cloth diapers, i would have all the necessary things ready.

before this, i only have a diaper bin for my used diapers and Pureen HAD for washing.

this is the bin i use


bought from Servay Hypermarket Penampang for RM12.90. bought this bin during my 1st week of cloth diapering.

and this is the Pureen HAD


also bought from Servay for RM19.65. ok let me tell you a story. this detergent is actually located at the 1st flr of Servay, y’know, at the baby’s section. so we went up, take a box of Pureen HAD, paid for it and then went to the ground floor to continue doing some shopping. when we were at the counter to pay for  the  ground floor stuff, i left the Pureen in the trolley coz it has already been paid for kan… and since we didnt buy much, jnr didnt wait for me to finish paying, he pushed the trolley back to the trolley station which is located at the entrance of the hypermarket. after i’m done, i didnt wait for jnr, i just carry all the stuff to the car. a little while later, i saw jnr on his way to the car. i didnt see him carrying anything, i wondered if the box of detergent can fit in his pocket. when he finally get to the car, asked him where the detergent is? guess what? he didnt noticed that i had left it in the trolley! he rushed back to the trolley station but nope, the trolley has been taken. he even asked the counter but nope, nobody has left anything there either. so… what to do laa.. he had to go back upstairs and purchase another box of Pureen HAD! kesian kan?


ok, back to my care set story.

1.  Sunlight diswashing liquid from Giant CityMall.


this is very useful especially if you want to do stripwashing. there are a few different types of Sunlight but i chose this one because of the colorit’s like fluorescent green/yellow i thought it is going to glow in the dark – turn out i does not.

2.  Baking Soda also from Giant CityMall.


ok, i dont know if this is the right a baking soda to use but this is the only one that has the word SODA on it – so i figured this must be the one. this one is good if you wanted to soak your soiled diaper to remove stain and odor.

3. Dettol from Giant CityMall


this is a multipurpose dettol – good for disinfecting your diapers. according to miabambina, it is also a good idea to add a cap full of dettol in your (diaper) wash. and i have done that for 3 days now and my cloth diapers smells so good and clean!

4.  Soft-Bristled Tooth Brush from Giant CityMall


the keyword here is SOFT. i chose the cheapest one.

5. Distilled Vinegar RM6.90 from Tong Hing Supermarket KK.



i couldn’t find distilled vinegar in Giant so we went to Tong Hing. Luckily Sandra has a photo of the distilled vinegar she used in her blog so i know how it looks like. BTW, Sandra & Miabambina is the same person ya. Miabambina is the name of her online store.

After Tong Hing, i went to Home & Garden and bought a small pink basket to keep all my care set stuff. here’s how it looked like – at first.


the empty space bothers me so much i decided that i should put the Pureen HAD in there BUT the big box of Pureen HAD coudn’t possibly fit in there. in the evening, we went to Karamunsing to buy some computer stuff so i went to one of the shops there, i think the name of the shop is Kolombong Trading, the one near Kid’s Avenue tu, and bought an air-tight container.

when i get home, i poured all the detergent into the container. i bought the one with a green lid on purpose to match the green scoop of the Pureen detergent.


just nice, kan?

so now, this is how my basket of cloth diaper care set looks like…


even this makes me sooo happy. and content – for now…


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New To Cloth Diapers?

then you have come to the right place.

to my existing readers & friends, bear with me. i’m now fully CD-ing my son so i guess i’m now officially a CD addict momma. there’s going to be quite a lot of entries on CDs from now on coz i wanted to share what i know about CDs, my experience and my take on Cloth Diapering.

when ppl say "Cloth Diaper", what’s the 1st thing that came into your mind? honestly, for me, when i first heard of Cloth Diaper, i pictured the flat square piece of cloth that you put on your baby and you need to change it every time they pee (this got me wondering, is there a past tense for pee?) or pooped.

No! Not anymore… Cloth Diapers or CDs have now evolved into Modern Cloth Diapers, which look a lot like disposable diapers but  Modern CDs are (machine) washable coz they are made of clothes, comes in colors and cute prints. gone are the days of folding lampins, putting them on your baby and fastening them with BIG sharp pins… which are now dubbed as Traditional Cloth Diapering.

Why choose cloth diapers? isn’t using disposable diapers or "pampers" (funny, isn’t it? all disposable diapers are referred to as pampers even though they are of a different brand) are easier?

well, i must admit, using disposable diapers mean less work for you. just throw them in the trash and that’s it. but has it ever occured to you that by CD-ing, you are actually doing your part in preserving the environment? heheh… not that i am so into protecting the earth but it does help, y’know…

so, want to know more about cloth diaper? let’s begin the lesson for today

oh, btw, you can always refer to miabambina for more info. she has been CD-ing for a long time and she has a lot of tips on CD-ing.

there are actually 4 types of Cloth Diaper.

1. Prefolds / Flats

this is the traditional square cotton diaper that you fold and fasten with pins. however, nowadays, pins are not a popular choice anymore coz it is dangerous you might poke your baby’s stomach with it. pins have evolved into Snappi. I don’t know how to discribe the snappi but just do a search on google, for sure there are plenty sites with info on snappi. if you do not want to use snappi, you can just fold the diaper to fit your baby and just cover them with a Diaper Cover. Personally, i think prefolds and flats are good for newborns.

*pics coming soon*

2. Pocket Diaper

as the name implies, pocket diaper has a pocket opening for you to stuff in inserts. Pocket Diapers will not work without inserts so remember this: POCKET DIAPERS NEED INSERTS.

Drybees Pocket Diaper with Wahmies One Size Microfiber Insert (White) & GAD One Size Hemp Insert

3. Fitted Diaper

Fitted Diaper is not waterproof so, you must pair it with Diaper Cover. Remember : FITTED DIAPERS NEED COVER.

Kissaluvs Fitted Diaper (Right) & Imse Vimse Diaper Cover (Left)

4. All-In-One Diaper (AIO)

All-In-One diapers does not need anything else for it to work. you can just put the diaper on your baby straight away but for a heavy-wetter, you might want to consider a hybrid AIO – it has a pocket for inserts.

Drybees Pocket Hybrid AIO

I have a 1 year old son and i had just started using CD recently. Personally, i prefer AIO to the rest coz i think it is cheaper . An AIO costs about RM55 – RM70. Pocket Diapers are sold cheaper but, you would still have to use inserts in them. The cheapest pocket cost about RM50++, the cheapest insert costs about RM10. my experience, 1 regular insert will not work, you need to put at least 2 so, using pocket diaper would cost about RM70++. see?? AIO is still cheaper. same goes with fitted diaper. Fitted diaper are normally cheap. you can get them at RM40++ but, you need a cover. The cheapest diaper cover costs at also about RM40++. That means, you will have to spend RM80++ to use fitted diaper. Personally, i think AIO saves a lot. If you buy a One Size Hybrid AIO, then that is more economical.

However, from experience, my AIOs took at least 1 1/2 days to dry completely. do not be fooled by the outer side of the diaper. of course the outer feels dry but try and put your hand inside the pocket of a Hybrid AIO, you will notice that the inside is still soaking wet. so far, i only have 2 AIOs

– both hybrids. One is Drybees and one is Thirsties. But i love using them and i feel that this type of CD is the most convenient to use.

anyway, what works for me doesn’t necessarily works for others. i’m just sharing my experience after CD-ing for about a month. i would love to hear your comments on this and also your experience as well. i’m still in the process of researching and testing so, all feedbacks are welcomed!


Cloth Diaper Experiment Result

sorry, i didnt update yesterday. i was busy cd-hunting.

besides, i’m not that sure on the result. the next morning, at about 6:30 a.m, xavier woke up. i quickly checked on him, afraid that the CD has leaked but to my relief, it hasn’t. took it of, touch the fleece surface and it’s dry. i was like "Eiii??? betul ka tidak ooo…" and then i removed the inserts.

btw, Happy Heiny’s One Size comes with 2 microfiber inserts, one large and one small – and i inserted both the other nite . dunno if that’s advisable or not but i put the small one on top of the large. now, even with the two inserts, the HH wasn’t bulky at all. in fact, xavier looks very comfortable in them. the fleece i tell you… so so so very soft i dont mind rubbing them against my face all day long – of course NOT when they’ve already been used, u idiot!

ok, back to the experiment.

the outer fleece and the large insert were dry. the small insert was A BIT wet, with only 2 yellowish spots the size of a 50cents coin. i gave another "Betul ka tidak oooooo…."

i think i need to conduct another test on Happy Heiny’s One Size Cloth Diaper. who knows, maybe my son pee only once that nite. but i gave 5/5 on the design, fabrics (especially the fleece) and comfortability.

if u hv been following my blog, u should know that i hv also bought Drybees Hybrid AIO from ezmotherhood. last nite, i tested that one. i put it on xavier at about 7:00 p.m and it only leaked at about 6:00 a.m this morning.

to those of you who are still blur on CD, AIO means All-in-One and as the name suggested, it is an all in one diaper, you do not need any additional inserts or cover or whatsoever. BUT, the CD-makers realized that the AIO is not that practical for heavy-wetter so, these brilliant ppl invented Hybrids AIO. Hybrid Diapers provide a pocket opening where you can place inserts for heavy-wetter babies.

for my test last night, i didnt put any insert and still it lasted for about 11 hrs. i dare not rate it yet, still need further testing. like i said before, maybe xavier has switched into light-wetter mode heheh… 4.5/5 for the design, 3.5/5 on the fabrics and 4.5/5 on comfortability tho.

gosh! couldn’t believe i can blog forever on CD alone. how nice it would be if this is a payperpost sponsored entry…

I’m bored


yesterday, spent all day browsing all the CD website and couldn’t resist to buy 2 more CDs oh no, i can feel someone’s temperature rising… *sorry honey* and i can already picture him saying "u tidak juga kasi pakai xavier pun". i did bah, a few times, just to test the different types of CD i bought recently. and i’m still in testing phase but xavier is always ill lately, maybe because he’s teething. keep getting fever and flu every week i’m just afraid it will develop into asthma. he had already been on nebulizer once so, i’m a bit worried. because of his unstable health condition right now, i don’t think it’s a good idea for me to experiment new things on him just yet.

anyway, i did manage to test the MPB fitted + Bummis Cover, Kissaluvs + Bummis Supersnaps Cover & Drybees Pocket. so far, i like kissaluvs best. it fits xavier snugly and the combination is less bulky. the Drybees Pocket leaked after about 4 hours. or maybe i didnt place the inserts properly coz i noticed the inserts are not fully soaked yet, but the fabrics around the legs made xaviers pants wet.

i have a few more to test, including those i ordered yesterday. after i test all the different types of CDs, i might consider fully CD-ing my son.

and i think because of my intensive CD browsing yesterday, i even dreamt of online CD shopping last night.

errrkkk… an addict symptom?

More CDs

i think, now i’m addicted to CD.

since trying on the CD from joyce – well, of course xavier was the one who use it – i could not stop thinking about it. i was so disappointed the next day coz the one and only CD is not yet dry, had to use disposable.

yesterday, i spent my day at the office browsing, reading and chatting with my friends through ym about CDs instead of doing what i should be doing – my boss is not going to be happy reading this. eh, but i finished my job already what… my friend told me that ezmotherhood is currently having Drybees AIO Hybrid on sale. true enough, they’re selling it for RM60, normal price is about RM67. My friend and i decided to buy them for our DS. we combined shipping so, save on shipping cost some more. Ezmotherhood is so cekap, the package arrived this morning! the fastest shipping i’ve ever had since i started shopping online. thanks a lot ezmotherhood… love the CD very much!


Drybees AIO Hybrids from eZ Motherhood

back to yesterday, the more i read about CD, the more tempted i am to buy. finally, i gave in to the temptation and drag joyce with me to miabambina‘s house. mcm tidak sabar-sabar bah… but i hv my reasons la juga.

  1. I’ll be going to Labuan next week so, my friend in Labuan can kirim. that means, i only have this week to do the (CD) shopping.
  2. i dunno where miabambina’s house is so, i have to go with Joyce. Joyce is now on her final week of pregnancy so, i’m just afraid if i didnt go A.S.A.P, nanti tidak sempat heheh… (baru notice banyak ‘so’)

i already listed out all the things i wanted to buy and so as my (Labuan) friend so that we wont waste time to pilih-pilih again at miabambina’s. i didn’t know that CD shopping is so fulfilling… miabambina’s house is like a CD haven! lots and lots of CDs…  nasib baik peruntukan tidak mengizinkan.

so! (so lagi) these are the stuff i bought, my first batch of CDs – not that i’m going to add like a dozen more. buying all these pun somebody is already umm… not happy. not me, not my CD crazy friends.


  1. GAD hemp diaper doubler
  2. GAD onesize HEMP insert
  3. Wahmies One Size Microfiber Inserts
  4. Microfllece liners packs
  5. Kissaluvs COLORS! fitted size 2 in Lime Green
  6. Thirsties Periwinkle diaper cover
  7. Bummis super snaps
  8. Drybees pocket diaper Cool Water

these are my friend’s stuff…


and also a thank you gift from miabambina


Diaper Rash Salve.

Wah… yesterday (and also this morning), i was a very happy mommy – still is!