Day 19 – Nicknames you have; why do you have them

I have a number of nicknames and interesting enough, each nickname can identify which group of friends a person belongs to. My fullname is Leyana Mesyel Matimbun. Most people never pronounce my name right. So here’s a little tutorial on how to correctly pronounce my name.

Leyana is pronounced as LAY (as in “lay an egg”) – YANA.

Mesyel is pronounced as MICHELLE

… and you’ll be an idiot if you don’t know how to pronounce my surname which is MATIMBUN.

You are not allowed to call me LEY or ANA because that’s the combination of my mom & dad’s nicknames. LEYANA MESYEL are both my name and NO, MESYEL is not my father’s name, ok? MATIMBUN is my surname, not my father’s name. “So? Which one is your  father’s name?”, kata seseorang itu. Sorry darling, I don’t have my father’s name in my name but if you really want to know, my father’s name is Bonaventure Juili Matimbun.

Wah.. panjang mukadimah.. Now, on to my nicknames..

1. Mimi
People who called me by this name are my close family and friends. My dad gave me this nickname right after I was born, short for MESYEL. So if you hear people calling me by this name, they are either my childhood friend, my cousins, my in-laws or my family.

2. Lelen (Lay-Lane)
This nickname was “bestowed” on me by my friends from my fully residential [high]school. If you hear someone calling me by this name, they are my ex-schoolmate from this particular highschool.

3. Leyan / Leanne / Len (Lane)
The people who call me with this name are those who went to school with me in Ranau primary & highschool.

4. Leyana
My colleagues

5. Puan Leyana

Day 19 – Mission Accomplished.

Day 18 – Plans/dreams/goals you have

I don’t have any.

Owh… don’t get all freaked out! I am familiar with the quote that says :

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

BUT in my opinion, this saying only applies to those who “FAIL” to plan, not to those who CHOSE NOT to plan.

I stopped planning and doing new years resolution long ago. I chose not to because I wanted to live my life one day at a time. I realized that I’m happier that way… just go with the flow, following where my feet lead me instead of planning the way that I should follow.

The thing with following your pre-planned path is that you may missed the other interesting, wonderful path and scenery along the way.

When you realized that you have missed out on those beautiful path, you’ll get terribly upset and frustrated. Worst still, you may end up at the wrong place!

Although by following where your feet lead may sometimes get you lost,  you may stumble and fall, i believe you’ll always find your way back, get up on your feet stronger than before, therefore you’ll gain more interesting or maybe even life-changing  experience in your journey.

I used to plan, to dream, to have goals… but I’ll get depressed a lot when I failed to achieve them.

So, here I am, living my life one day at a time and trust me, my days bring me more joy and happiness this way.

“Do not follow where the path may lead… Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Day 18 – Mission Accomplished?

Day 17 – Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why


I don’t idolize her or anything, especially after I’ve read her biography done by author Kitty Kelley. Well, I can’t really say whether all the stories written in the book is true.. it seems a little biased, but maybe that’s because it was written by an outsider, unapproved by Oprah herself, not only for the book about her but also for all the other [unauthorized] biographies the author had done.

Anyway, if I could switch lives with someone even for one day – although Joey Mcintyre said : don’t you ever wish you were someone else – it would be Oprah.


Travie McCoy said : I wanna be a billionaire [millionaire is not even relevant nowadays..] so fuckin’ freakin’ bad… buy all of the things I never had – and I can truly relate to that 🙂

Also, I would like to experience the feelings, the satisfactions of giving away free stuffs to people. I always wonder what Oprah felt when she saw her audience go crazy over the stuff she gave them [of course all the stuff are sponsored by  those companies… ko pikir dia mo kluar duit sendiri mehhhh???].  Some even look like their heads are going to burst !! @_@ So yeah.. that’s the main reason why I’d like to switch life with her.

Just look at this video :

the subs are funny hehe…

Just look at the audiences’ reaction. Unbelievable!

And I’ve read that it’s true owh… those who got free cars have to pay taxes!

Day 17 – Mission Accomplished!

Day 16 – Another picture of yourself (baby pic!)

A few days ago, I rummaged through my old photo albums looking for my baby pic coz I need it for this challenge. Made a mental note to scan them real soon, but being my procrastinator self, i told me that it’s ok, I could always do it on Wednesday… Day 16 challenge will be on Thursday what…

Day 16 has finally come and guess what? I don’t have my baby picture with me! I had totally forgotten that I’m supposed to scan them last nite!

Since I’m not that keen on postponing yet another challenge, I decided that perhaps I should search for my baby pic online 🙂 How is that possible? well, long ago.. once upon a December ago… I used to have a HOMEPAGE [it wasn’t called website back then k…] 😀 ya… lame.. I know… eh, actually I have two homepages. One hosted on geocities – which has been closed a few years ago – and another one on tripod.lycos. To my surprise, my HOMEPAGE on tripod is still up and all my files and photos are still safely kept in my account! Went through my photo galleries and I have quite a number of baby pics in there! AWESOME!!

Looks like Day 16 won’t be postponed after all… so here are my baby [and some toddler] pics for you to enjoy… 🙂

Nah.. hehehe… banyak kan.. 🙂

Being the eldest child, I guess I’m very lucky coz my dad loves photography and he has a Canon SLR Camera (SLR ok.. bukan DSLR). Who’s a better model to photograph other than your own baby, right? hehe…

Day 16 – Mission Accomplished!

Day 15 – Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

I don’t have my iPod right now so I used Windows Media Player. Put it on shuffle and these are the first 10 songs that played:-

1. Sara Ramirez – The Story
2. Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dog – California Girls
3. Neon Trees – Animal
4. Adam Lambert – If I Had You
5. Avril Lavigne – Innocent
6. Uncle Kracker – Smile
7. Beyonce – Sweet Dreams
8. Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull – On The Floor
9. Maroon 5 – Misery
10. Justin Bieber & Sean King$ton – Eenie Meenie
10. Kesha – Tik Tok

Day 15 – Mission Accomplished!

Day 14 – A picture of you and your family

I’m supposed to post this 2 days ago, but I was so bz doing nothing.. 🙂 who knows doing nothing can be so tiring, kan? Asi ka if I want to do 2 challenges today? mangkali tidak asi kan..

so, here’s my pic with my little family.. hubby, dotter, son & I during our recent cuti-cuti malaysia.

And another one with my parents, my siblings and my dead grandmother, taken 10 years ago… Look at me.. I’m so skinny.. *sigh*

And another classic one hehe… wah, bersungguh-sungguh mempost gambar duuudulu… Good thing there’s a date stamp on this photo! Taken 16 years ago… My aunties are sooo gonna kill me hehe..

Day 14 – Misssion Accomplished

Day 13 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

This is going to be hard.. I guess I’m just lucky no one has hurt me recently.. I used to get pissed off easily but lately, I’ve been okay with everyone so, no, I wasn’t seriously hurt recently.

But in order to complete this Day 13 challenge, I NEED to write a letter to someone. Ok, how about a letter to MCMC for blocking file sharing websites?? Jangannnn… you don’t want to do that… Lagipun, u have the workaround for that problem what…

Hmmmm…. maybe I’ll write to my neighbour la.

Dear Neighbour,

I’m sure you have noticed that our poorly dog has finally died and that we have to put the nice yellow dog feeder outside our gate to put our leftovers so your [stray] dogs can feast on them. Yes, we are kind people, but that doesn’t mean you can steal the dog feeder and put them under your stairs!

I can see the bright yellow color clearly from my house, you know? So, please dear neighbour… can you return the yellow dog feeder to its rightful place? We didn’t get it for free, we bought it.

Thanks in advance.

Yours Sincerelly,


Day 13 – Mission Accomplished!

Day 12 – How you found out about Blogger and why you made one

I seriously don’t remember how I found out about blogger – but I do remember why I made one.

I started blogging back in 2001, 10 years ago… wahhh.. I didn’t even realize I’ve been blogging for a decade! I created my first blog on The site still exist, but I have forgotten my username & password long ago. I started blogging on Blogger in 2003 and I recently switched to wordpress because I’ve purchased my own domain & hosting and I decided that I should fully utilize them.

Why did I made one? you may refer this entry.

Day 12 – Mission Accomplished!

Day 10 – Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

I don’t really have one particular song that I listened to when I’m Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad… but I love music, especially acoustic and a little of pop country. I love Daughtry, Firehouse, The Fray, Taylor Swift, P!nk, Avril Lavigne, Paramore.. just to name a few la..

Anyway, from time to time, I do have a favorite song and I can listen to that song over and over again for a few days. Right now, my national anthem is The Story, Callie Torres version. Ya la.. I know Callie Torres is not even a real person but I prefer her version to Sara Ramirez [yup, she played Callie Torres] or to the original singer which is Brandi Carlile if I’m not mistaken.

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I’ve been
And how I got to where I am

But these stories don’t mean anything
When you’ve got no one to tell them to
It’s true, I was made for you

I climbed across the mountaintops
Travel across the ocean blue
I cross over lines and I broke all the rules
And baby I broke them all for you

Oh because even when I was flat broke
You made me feel like a million bucks
You do, I was made for you

You see the smile that’s on my mouth
It’s hiding the words that don’t come out
All of the friends who think that I’m blessed
They don’t know I’m in this mess

No they don’t know who I really am
And they don’t know what I’ve been through
Like you do, and I was made for you

All of these lines across my face
Tell you the story of who I am
So many stories of where I’ve been
And how I got to where I am

Oh but these stories don’t mean anything
When you’ve got no one to tell them to
It’s true, I was made for you
Oh yeah, and it’s true that I was made for you

Day 10 – Mission Accomplished!