I have a number of nicknames and interesting enough, each nickname can identify which group of friends a person belongs to. My fullname is Leyana Mesyel Matimbun. Most people never pronounce my name right. So here’s a little tutorial on how to correctly pronounce my name.
Leyana is pronounced as LAY (as in “lay an egg”) – YANA.
Mesyel is pronounced as MICHELLE
… and you’ll be an idiot if you don’t know how to pronounce my surname which is MATIMBUN.
You are not allowed to call me LEY or ANA because that’s the combination of my mom & dad’s nicknames. LEYANA MESYEL are both my name and NO, MESYEL is not my father’s name, ok? MATIMBUN is my surname, not my father’s name. “So? Which one is your father’s name?”, kata seseorang itu. Sorry darling, I don’t have my father’s name in my name but if you really want to know, my father’s name is Bonaventure Juili Matimbun.
Wah.. panjang mukadimah.. Now, on to my nicknames..
1. Mimi
People who called me by this name are my close family and friends. My dad gave me this nickname right after I was born, short for MESYEL. So if you hear people calling me by this name, they are either my childhood friend, my cousins, my in-laws or my family.
2. Lelen (Lay-Lane)
This nickname was “bestowed” on me by my friends from my fully residential [high]school. If you hear someone calling me by this name, they are my ex-schoolmate from this particular highschool.
3. Leyan / Leanne / Len (Lane)
The people who call me with this name are those who went to school with me in Ranau primary & highschool.
4. Leyana
My colleagues
5. Puan Leyana
Day 19 – Mission Accomplished.