Introducing the little guy

This post is long overdue… been very bz being a mom to the newborn baby and the 2 yrs old talkative toddler. lagi pun, no time to edit the pics and stuff. for the past few weeks, my photo gallery was down, no time to fix it… i finally manage to get it up and running today so, for more baby pics, visit my Captured Memories.

nahhh… inilah c baby xavier… tadaaaa….

On The Day He Was Born

his head wasnt in the right position so they had to use forceps to pull him out… dat’s y got red marks on his face. luckily, the next day teda sudah merah2…

Name : Francis Xavier Ariffin III
D.O.B : March 30, 2007 4:49 pm
Birth Weight : 3.4kg
Length : 48cm
Blood Group : A+

On His Full Moon Party

At Two Months

Weight : 6.1kg
Length : 58cm

2 more days to go…

our final decision, i’ll be going for c-sect on March 30th, 2007 4:30 pm.

dowan to waste my time want to tahan all the sakit2 for normal birth… mana tau, last2 cannot normal oso…

and sempat lagi c jnr went outstation to Kudat today… was so angry with his stupid company! what if suddenly i’m in labor today? told him, if anything happens today, i’ll call his boss and ask him to be in the clinic with me instead.

okaylah… ellone wants me to read her Humpty Dumpty dulu… til then ppl!

Let’s Face It…

…we’ve all got frustrated in exams!

jnr sent this to me… extremely hillarious… thought it wld be nice to share this with all of you.


oh, and by the way, u need to click on the pic to view the original image. a bit blur though, hv to squint your eyes a bit…

ok, have a good laugh…

and i know u didnt ask but no, baby xavier is not here yet. another 4 weeks to go.

til then…

How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This arrive in the mail today…

How To Make People Like You

1. Become genuinely interested in other people.

2. Smile.

3. Remember that the person’s name is the sweetest
and most important sound in any language.

4. Be a good listener; encourage others to talk about themselves.

5. Talk in terms of the other person’s interest.

6. Make the other person feel important–and do it sincerely.

How To Win People To Your Way Of Thinking

1. The only way to get the best of an argument
is to avoid it.

2. Show respect for others’ opinions. Never say,”You’re wrong!”

3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.

4. Begin in a friendly way.

5. Get the other person saying; “Yes, yes!” immediately.

6. Let the other person do a great deal of talking.

7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.

8. Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.

9. Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires.

10. Appeal to the nobler motives.

11. Dramatize your ideas.

12. Throw down a challenge.

How To Be A Leader

1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.

2. Call attention to other people’s mistakes indirectly.

3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.

4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.

5. Let the other person save face.

6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.

Add this book to your library. Include its wisdom into your life.
Experience the Carnegie magic….

i’m in no mood to blog lately….

i have so many things in my mind that i’d like to put into writings but i dunno… i guess i’m just too lazy nowadays feel tired all the time i even doze off at work, while sitting down, in front of my pc, while typing! can u imagine that??? that’s just how tired i am… so… if i didnt get to finish this entry… just assume that i’m already in zzzz land la..

actually i wanted to blog about my Ellone who had just turn 2 on 2nd February… was planning to upload a dozen photos of hers – 13-24mths… but couldnt find the time to select and organize those photos… guess that’ll hv to wait. still cant believe she a big girl now… and she’s starting to love “reading” books. her current favourite is Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. before bed, she’ll ask either jnr or me to read the book for her… she can even memorize some of the words/phrases in that book…

mimi : Once upon a time…
ellone : there lived a princess called Snow White!
mimi : her father, the king, was dead. she lived with her stepmother, the…
ellone : Queen!
mimi : in a castle in a deep, dark…
ellone : forest!
mimi : Snow White was very…
ellone : beautiful!
mimi : like…
ellone : Ellone!
mimi : Her skin was as white as snow, her hair as black as an ebony wood and her lips are as red as a…
ellone : red, red rose!

hmm… i miss her already…

last tuesday, went to the doctor to check on little xavier. doctor told us that “baby is growing up normally” and that he’s going to be “one very big baby”! i’m only into my 31 wks – that’s about 7mths & 3 wks along and little xavier’s estimated weight is already 2.4kg (2434g to be exact!) oo.. but this time, i’m planning to go for c-section also so, not that scared lah…

actually i already typed in a loooooong entry on giving birth naturally and c-sect and about being a good mother… somehow, i had accidently punched some keys on the keyboard and POOF! it was all gone! DAMN! when i use the recover post, only manage to recover the portion b4 this paragraph… so lazy to type them back…

till later lah…


Joke of the Day

so malas to write a proper entry…

enjoy the lawak indon sajalah okay…

Saat ini jaman serba susah.

Harga BBM naik, akibatnya terjadi PHK
diberbagai perusahaan.

Salah satu yang terkena PHK adalah

Bulan ini ia tidak bisa lagi mengirim
uang untuk istrinya di kampung

Ia hanya bisa mengirim surat .

Isinya demikian:

Istriku Tercinta,

Maafkan kanda sayang,

bulan ini Kanda tidak bisa mengirim
uang untuk kebutuhan keluarga di

Kanda hanya bisa mengirimmu 1000

Paling cinta,

Kanda Paijo

Seminggu kemudian Paijo mendapat surat
balasan dari istri tercintanya:

Kanda Paijo tersayang,

Terima kasih atas kiriman 1000

Untuk bulan ini Dinda akan
menyampaikan laporan pengeluaran
keluarga :

Tukang minyak bersedia menerima 2
ciuman setiap kali membeli 5 liter
minyak tanah.

Tukang listrik mau dibayar dengan 4
ciuman per tanggal 10 setiap bulannya.

Pemilik kontrakan rumah mau dibayar
cicil dengan 3 x ciuman setiap

Engkoh pemilik toko bahan makanan
tidak mau dibayar pakai ciuman. I

a maunya dibayar dengan yang lain..

Ya terpaksa Dinda berikan saja.

Hal yang sama juga Dinda berikan buat
kepala sekolah dan gurunya si Udin

yang sudah 3 bulan nunggak uang

Besok Dinda mau ke pegadaian untuk
tukerin 200 ciuman dengan uang tunai,

karena yang punya pegadaian sudah
bersedia menukarkan 200 ciuman +
bayaran lainnya

dengan uang 650ribu, lumayan buat
ongkos sebulan.

Keperluan pribadi Dinda bulan ini
mencapai 50 ciuman.

Kanda tersayang.. bulan ini Dinda
merasa jadi orang yang paling kaya di

karena sekarang Dinda memberikan
piutang ciuman ke banyak pemuda di
kampung kita

dan siap ditukar kapan pun Dinda
butuhkan. Kanda,

dari kanda masih tersisa 125 ciuman,

apakah kanda punya ide?

Atau saya tabung saja ya?

Paling sayang,

dari Dinda seorang.

Gedubrak!! Paijo pun Pingsan.

13 Days Later…

Hiya ppl!

problem solved already… apparently, the switch to the upgraded version of Blogger has somehow messed up my ftp config. i thought i had re-config everything, tau2, i forgot to configure the archiving section… dang! finally figured that out after about a week… sooo stooopid oo me…

still so malas to type…

was going through my friends profile at friendster… found this interesting website, where u can upload your photo and find your celebrity look-alikes… actually, i’ve heard about this website a few years back… and had actually tried it but back then, it will only return one pic per photo uploaded… now, it can return up to 10 pics and u can choose 8 pics to create a photo collage…

here’s a photo collage of ellone

here’s mine

and here’s jnr’s

bah… show me yours lahh…


manage to publish now but… the archive is still not working!

dunno what’s wrong… i think i hv already done all the necessary config bahhh…

when i publish, i’ll get a “permission denied” error for all the archive’s file… dammit!

i’m beginning to think that there’s something wrong with Blogger… maybe it’s about time i switch to other blogging alternatives, say… WordPress kaa…

what do you all think?