No no no no no! Don’t wish me Happy Birthday yet! You there, zip it! No singing Happy Birthday yet! My birthday is still more than a month away BUT hubby has already ‘bought’ me a present. And mind you, i know he loves me very much but believe it or not, he never gave me presents on my birthday if i didn’t ask for anything! he’s not the kind of guy who suprise you on your birthday with an unexpected birthday gift. So, this year, i asked him for this birthday present and he has already ‘bought’ it!
Curious to know what?
This, ladies and gentlemen, is my Birthday Present
i can see some of you laughing, oh and i saw you there with that smirk on your face. well, you guys can laugh all you want. obviously, you don’t get it. oh and you over there, i saw a big question mark on your head.
now, let me explain, ok? while some of you might think this is an absurd idea, for me, this is the perfect Birthday Present ever.
of course i didn’t ask for a 3 days 2 nights stay at Tunes Hotel! That’s ridiculous! For God’s sake, i’m staying in Penampang and 1Borneo is within a walking distance from the place i work. you must be wondering, why i didn’t choose some 5 star hotel like Rasa Ria or Nexus?
am i nuts?
no, i’m not.
what i had actually asked for is a 12 hours un-interrupted sleep / me-time
got it? the main point is 12 hours un-interrupted sleep / me-time and not 3 days 2 nights stay at Tunes Hotel.
and why Tunes Hotel, 1Borneo? Because… it’s cheap. see? 3 days and 2 nights for RM100.48 only! FYI, i’m not even going to spend the night there. or anywhere else without my hubby & kids so i’m not spending RM1K for a place that i won’t even spend the night in. the plan is, i will check in on the 8th and go home. The next day, at about 6:00 a.m or 7:00 a.m, i’ll go to the hotel and start my 12 hours un-interrupted sleep / me-time! and i’ll go home after 12:00 hours is up. will check out the next day. see??? rather than leaving my kids to go to some fancy resort for an un-interrupted time for myself, i can just go somewhere near to my workplace and relax. i’m pretty sure it will only feels like going to work – but instead of working, i’ll be sleeping (zzzz…..) and when i couldn’t sleep anymore, maybe i’ll read a book. btw, will be taking a day off on that particular day.
and why un-interrupted sleep / me-time? well, if you’re not a mother yet, you wouldn’t understand. but mothers that have 2 [or more] kids below the age of 3 would definitely understand why sometimes we, mothers [and also wife + career woman + in my case : a student ] longed for some time for ourselves. maybe some of you don’t but i do. really really really do it feels like i might go insane if i don’t! i may sound selfish here for wanting an un-interrupted time, but is it wrong to ask for 12 hrs out of the almost 4 years of not having the time for yourself?
p/s : do not call me on that day, i’m going turn off my handphone!