Imagine you are in Africa. You have been tied hanging on a tree with a rope anchored on the ground, a candle is slowly burning the rope, and the lion is waiting for you to drop and be his lunch. Your survival hinges on the rope staying intact, there is no one around to help you. The only possible way is to somehow convince the lion to BLOW the candle out. How do you do that?
and i really think constantine maroulis looks like aragorn
and i think bo bice will be the next american idol, or carrie underwood, or vonzell solomon… anyway, i think these three will make it to the top three
and i think and really hate the fact that anwar robinson was voted off… i mean… this show is starting to be like akademi fantasia where all the best performers were being voted off and those who are “not that good” are still in – like A.F and S.S (u know who they are)… geeshh… i was really hoping that anwar could make it at least to the top five, but too bad…
and i think constantine is just okay – he has the x factor so i’m not surprised he’s been getting quite a lot of votes. i wont even be surprised if america voted him to be the next american idol – but still i think bo bice is the best and he deserves to win
and i think if carrie underwood doesnt make it, she will still get herself a recording deal and i’ll definitely be one of her fans
and i think it’s not impossible for vonzell solomon to be as big as beyonce or whitney or the likes one day
and i think i’ve been doing enough “think”-ing and i should stop now
*ok, stop it!*
oo… i was about to stop here but i hv one more thing to say before i call it a day… did you notice that square thingy below my profile? the one with the cute picture and blinking border that tells you the date today and the time now? yerrr… so cute kannnn???? well, why dont get one for yourself here. a lot of cute images available… go laaa…