I don’t have any.
Owh… don’t get all freaked out! I am familiar with the quote that says :
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
BUT in my opinion, this saying only applies to those who “FAIL” to plan, not to those who CHOSE NOT to plan.
I stopped planning and doing new years resolution long ago. I chose not to because I wanted to live my life one day at a time. I realized that I’m happier that way… just go with the flow, following where my feet lead me instead of planning the way that I should follow.
The thing with following your pre-planned path is that you may missed the other interesting, wonderful path and scenery along the way.
When you realized that you have missed out on those beautiful path, you’ll get terribly upset and frustrated. Worst still, you may end up at the wrong place!
Although by following where your feet lead may sometimes get you lost, you may stumble and fall, i believe you’ll always find your way back, get up on your feet stronger than before, therefore you’ll gain more interesting or maybe even life-changing experience in your journey.
I used to plan, to dream, to have goals… but I’ll get depressed a lot when I failed to achieve them.
So, here I am, living my life one day at a time and trust me, my days bring me more joy and happiness this way.
“Do not follow where the path may lead… Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Day 18 – Mission Accomplished?