Day 13 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

This is going to be hard.. I guess I’m just lucky no one has hurt me recently.. I used to get pissed off easily but lately, I’ve been okay with everyone so, no, I wasn’t seriously hurt recently.

But in order to complete this Day 13 challenge, I NEED to write a letter to someone. Ok, how about a letter to MCMC for blocking file sharing websites?? Jangannnn… you don’t want to do that… Lagipun, u have the workaround for that problem what…

Hmmmm…. maybe I’ll write to my neighbour la.

Dear Neighbour,

I’m sure you have noticed that our poorly dog has finally died and that we have to put the nice yellow dog feeder outside our gate to put our leftovers so your [stray] dogs can feast on them. Yes, we are kind people, but that doesn’t mean you can steal the dog feeder and put them under your stairs!

I can see the bright yellow color clearly from my house, you know? So, please dear neighbour… can you return the yellow dog feeder to its rightful place? We didn’t get it for free, we bought it.

Thanks in advance.

Yours Sincerelly,


Day 13 – Mission Accomplished!

3 thoughts on “Day 13 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

  1. ahaha… funny intro and funny post. Interesting challenge though. Len kali mau tulis nama and alamat bah tu Len. dia pura2 ndak tau tu kali :-p

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