Hahaha.. I know!
I’m only on my Day 9 whereas my 2 geng bas sekolah finished ages ago!
Anyway.. still struggling and I hope I can finish this 30 days challenge within this year hehe..
Ok, on to the challenge -> something i’m proud of in the past few days.
Picture speaks louder than words.
To those of you who knows me and have been to my desk at work, u should know why this pic makes me proud 🙂
Day 09 – Mission Accomplished!
kelabu pula color meja kau tu kan? 🙂 Selalunya tidak nampak.
Iya kan pula.. sa pun lupa suda sbb lama nda nampak 😀
patut ada gambar sebelum dan selepas bah ni, baru lah pictures speak mooree louder!! hehe..
lupa bah ambil gambar sebelum… telampau bersemangat mo kasi clear sbb kunun ada spot check hehehehe