Day 01 – A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Hello hello, People!!!

Look who’s here??!! Woot woottt!!! Yup, I’m back and excited to start on my Day 1 challenge. Bah, Bring it on, bebeh…!

Nah! Ambek mu!! Taken on Dec 19, 2010 while indulging myself with the super-sinful irresistible Magnum Almond Icecream. Yummy…

Now, 15 interesting facts about myself. Well, I’m not an interesting human being so, sorry to disappoint you people 😀

1. I’m the eldest of 5 siblings, I have 3 brothers and a sister. [i hope i’m not breaking the rules here. klu ikut betul, these are already 3 facts]

2. I have an autism brother, he’s turning 30 this year 🙂

3. I’m married (duh!) and have 2 beautiful kids, Ellone and Xavier.

4. My daughter’s name Ellone is from a computer game Final Fantasy VIII and my son’s full name has a ‘III’ as in ‘the third’.

5. I self-taught myself to play the guitar & keyboard.

6. I love sports and I can play almost all of the commonly know sports – but I was never an expert in any of them. Slightly above average, but never the best.

7. i don’t eat duck and rabbit bcos i think they’re cute.

8. i tend to think like a programmer even on non work-related matters. i always have if-then-else thinking… always have switch-case-default… programmers would understand…

9. I was born in Tambunan, but grew-up in Ranau. I’ve spent more than half of my life (18 yrs) in Ranau so Ranau felt more like home to me.

10. I’m an adventurous person. I like extreme sports, though I had to tone it down now that I have 2 little mes to think about 🙂

11. I’m a rebel, and I’ve always known that since at a young age.

12. I’m also a lazy person, I like procrastinating.

13. I’m not good with kids.

14. I’m not a good cook.

15. I don’t wear make-ups, sometimes even on special occasion.

Nah.. thr u go! Told you thrs nothing interesting up thr.. only stuffs u already knew.. Well, that was easy… Day 1 Mission Accomplished!

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