About Alexander

He was many things to many people – a dashing warrior king, filled with ambition, courage and the arrogance of youth, leading his vastly outnumbered forces against the massive Persian armies…a son desperately longing for the approval of his stern, battle-scarred father, torn and conflicted by his mother’s legacy…a relentless conqueror who never lost a battle and drove his soldiers to the very edges of the Known World…a visionary whose dreams, deeds and destiny echo through eternity, helping to shape the face of the world as we know it today. He was all that and more. He was Alexander the Great.

went to watch Alexander last week and i was about to comment on it when i came across this post. i do agree with raven. i’d also give Alexander a 5 out of 10.

the movie started at about 6.30 p.m and finished at about 9.20 – 9.25 p.m. Yes! almost 3 hrs, luckily i didnt go for the 9.30 show otherwise i’d only be home by half past midnight – which is not good for my health right now. well, i do need a good rest and enough sleep now that i’m pregnant.

the storyline is actually quite interesting but being a narrative kind of movie, there are more talking rather than action. and it’s also very exhausting having to follow Alexander from one battle to another *grin*. oh and one more thing, i think Alexander is not a homo, he’s a bi. raven teaches History so, it must be true that in ancient times, men do prefer male companions.

The casts are quite good looking, especially Jared Leto, the guy who plays Hephaistion. Angelina Jolie is as gorgeous as ever. Colin Farrell… hmmm… he’s ok.

from my personal point of view, i’d still prefer Troy or King Arthur anyway.

gosh!!! i’m not much of a writer today. my English SUCKS big time!!! I’m sorry… i’d better stop now..

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