Happy Independence Day!

For the past few weeks, my daughter came home from school reciting some words & phrases that I soon learned as the 8 Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia. Everyday, before she went to bed she’d say :

Keh taba’an (Ketabahan)
Keh setia’an (Kesetiaan)
Peh nerima’an (Penerimaan)
In ter giti (Integriti)
Meh ri to ka si (Meritokrasi)
Rendah Hati
Budaya Kecil Melangan (???)


What on earth is Budaya Kecil Melangan??

I kept asking her whether she’s sure the last one is Melangan and she confidently said “Yes”. and then she went on and on again.

Curious on what the word Melangan meant, I made an attempt to google it.. yes, i’m that pathetic. none of the result make sense to me. according to Mr. Google, Melangan is a proper noun, a name of some island in sarawak. i ‘ve never watched the news or read the paper so i had no idea that my daughter was actually reciting the 8 values of 1Malaysia.

Last Saturday, they had a Merdeka Day Celebration at their school and while waiting for the event to start, some slides related to Hari Kebangsaan were being displayed. It was then that I was finally enlightened, finally learned about the things that my 5-year-old daughter recited every night and finally learned that it was not Budaya Kecil Melangan; it’s Budaya Kecemerlangan!!

Doiii… apa la punya mommy… serves me right for being ignorant!

3 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day!

  1. things we never knew eh Len :). I never knew ada pula nilai2 1Malaysia ni. and sa ni pun baru tau lagu Labuan thanks to my son asyik nyanyi dalam kereta, tapi paham2 ja lah the wordings 🙂

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