no offense, but i’m not that big on Malaysian Entertainment Industry. i barely know malaysian singers / actors especially newcomers. so, when i first got the invitation from Digi for the hi-tea with M’sian celebs., i was a bit hesitant to go. lagipun, i’m not the kind of person who’d go ga-ga everytime i see celebrities di mana2. like, there was this one time, a few yrs back, azli senario was sitting next to our table in burger king. i didnt even know he’s the senario guy until a few ppl came over to his table and ask for autograph & took pictures with him. and still, i didnt even care. i was like, kenapalah? and then last friday, i was at the KKIA’s KFC, waiting for jnr from KL. Mas (AF2), Nora (AF4 mangkali tu) & Candy (AF5) were sitting next to my table and i didnt even feel anything… the KFC punya staf bukan main lagi went to take picture all, but i just didnt feel the excitement to even say hi to them. btw, i think candy look pretty in person.
back to the hi-tea story, actually, i’ve already made up my mind that i will not go. lagipun, i got class on Sunday. but at the last minute, i changed my mind, decided to go, not to see the artists but for the goodies… bah, manalah tau they’ll be giving away free sim packs kaa…
so kami pigilah kunun…
when we arrived there (Shangri-La, KK), went to register, dapat goodies bag and were ushered to one of the ten tables. i was seated next to a very friendly indian lady. next to her was a big guy, who was also very friendly. he said he’s from papar, but he was speaking with west m’sian’s accent. at the buffet area, ppl sibuk taking photos with Saiful Apek. Apek is very funny. he looks & talks & even his gestures are exactly like what we see on tv. quite tall, and not that skinny la… di tv mcm so skinny, kan? i was like, makan dulu… pedulilah diorg.
while i was enjoying my food, the other ‘tablemates’ crita2 lah with this indian lady. and the indian lady was referring to herself as fara. she was like ‘fara sebenarnya kuat makan… tapi balik nanti mesti kena kontrol’, ‘fara workout d rumah jerr’… so i looked at her and no , i didnt know her.
i whispered to jnr, ‘artis ka ni? sapa ni?’ jnr lagilah tidak tau… at the buffet table, when i came back for the dessert, saw the ladies who were sitting at our table, so i asked them lah… they said she’s Fara Wahida the singer… kweng-kweng-kweng… oooooooo…. hehehehhhh… tia tau pun… hehehehhh… i’ve heard of her, but i dunno any of her songs… feel so silly oo at that time… lagipun, i thought Fara Wahida is Malay or maybe of Arabian descent… manalah sya expect dia Indian.
to cut the story short, i played a game and got myself extra goodies… confident lai kunun tu jawap ‘Fara Wahida’ when the mc asked me who she is …
since i was already there, and there were a lot of celebrities roaming around , why not take photo with them kan? feel all weird but alang2 sudah di sana
so, here are some of the artists yg sya sempat pigi menyibuk
1st Fara Wahida, coz same table kan… jnr mcm happy betul bah, senyum sampai tutup mata
next up, ella & jojie… next table. gosh! i feel so FAT & UGLY between these 2 lovely ladies…
the handsome Zed Zaidi. he looks ok2 in magazine & on tv, but i tell u, very very very good looking… so handsome i tell u… i was like, punya main handsome….
*jaw dropped*
at 1st, i tot this girl was also one of the invited guest, turned out to be Mawar Berduri from the group Ahli Fikir… y’know, angguk-angguk geleng-geleng… she seems nice and friendly so, took pic with her also lah
and dayang nurfaizah… she was standing on the raised floor, so that’s why lah looked taller…
banyak lagi artis but immediately after the mc announced that the Hi-Tea is over, diorg pun terus hilang! e.g Apek, Yassin (the actor, not singer), Farid Kamil. Ruffedge also got but i dun really know those guys so, not excited to take photo. Amy Search also there, but i dun really feel like taking photo with him. who else ah?? emm… itu ja yg sya ingat la…
and here are the goodies… no sim packs tho
given at the registration counter
inside : 1.Digi T-Shirt 2.Small LED Flashlight 3.Digi Bag
inside : 1.Topi Digi / Ejen 016 2.Digi / GUBRA Notebook 3.Superstars Mag 4.4-in-1 Digi Pen 5.Superstars Steel Bracelet 6.Ejen 016 Soundtrack CD 7.Postcards
demikianlah berakhirnya crita sya bermintapuji dengan artis
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