Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara

I’m currently attending a course at this place. we hv lunch break until 2.00 so in the mean time, i blog lah… nothing else to do. wanted to minta blanja sama mrBadak tapi segan lah 😀 FYI, this place is located nx to mrBadak’s office. i even parked my car at the parking lot in front of their office.

the thing about this place was that, they are very punctual. maybe it’s bcos they also organise a course about time management. it was stated at the letter that registration is at 8.00 a.m. i arrived at 8.30, they hv already started. yerrr… malu sendiri ooo…

looks like blogger has a new feature. but i dunno, it doesnt seem to work. i keep getting the “page can not be displayed” error.

oya, i wanted to blog about akademi fantasia but since idayu was sent home this week, i’ve decided not to blog much about it anymore. i hv come to a logical conclusion – that akademi fantasia’s viewers who voted are stupid. how can they keep people like aidil or reza or (sorry) mawi in the competition. and i still dont get the mawi craze thing. *sigh*.

if any of my favs are being sent home next week, that’s it! i wont watch it anymore.

for the 4th week, the winners of the Akademi FUG-tasia award are mawi’s backup dancers.

why did they hang those christmas ornaments on themselves? alang-alang ooo… they should hv hung ketupat instead.

sekian terima kasih

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