So… welcome 2013, huh?
My 30 Days [Blogging] Challenge is unfinished – again. That was my second attempt and I failed yet again.
The hosting provider that I’m currently subscribing to has increased their subscription fee. RM600++ for 2 years? RM100++ for 3 mths. I don’t remember paying that much before.
Anyway… what to look forward to in this chapter? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…………….
Honestly, no idea at all.
A trip to JB and Singapore, maybe?
Read all my To-Read collection, perhaps?
Finish all my pending [crochet] projects?
We’ll see..
Til then, bye ppl
Len, that’s is so expensive what are you using? Mine is linux hosting. Almost three times cheaper than yours. Change HOST. My web hosting company is … they give me good price 😀 I’ve been with them since 2003.