6 thoughts on “YAYYYY!!! KRIS ALLEN WONNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Aiyaaa….

    Underdog won.

    NOT AGAIN!!!

    When will the novelty wear off???

    See, that’s why I watch football. Underdog rarely wins and even if they do, we can always blame the ref or somebody else for it!

  2. ahahaha

    I am so happy too! People keep praising Adam for his performance last night.. and I was like hey he totally butchered Sam Cook’s A Change is Gonna Come and you’re praising him? Owh mannnnnn

    I am glad he didn’t win. We’re saved from all that hideous shrieking.

  3. Sa dah agak dah, mesti ni post akan kluar hehe. Actually my fav is Danny Gokey, tapi out of final. So i dont really care sepa yang menang. Since Kris yang menang, so congrats la to Kris fans.. hehe

  4. Well..what can we say..who cares? Adam ka..Kris ka..Gokey ka..Anop ka..eh? tiba2 kan?It’s American Idol for God sake..hahahah…everybody deserve to win compare to our reality show contestant..hmmm..

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