what should be done to those sick psycho beasts?

it was on daily express’ front page today… the story of the unfortunate abducted girl.

in respect to her and her family, i won’t go into detail about her condition – but i think everyone should know that she had been badly brutalized. of course the whole ordeal is very traumatizing and i sincerely hope and pray that she’ll have a lot of strength to face the world, coz it will never be the same again for her. she’ll need all the support she can have for it will not be an easy journey for her onwards.

i’m really glad they manage to arrest one of the psycho. at least, the tracking of the other one can be much easier.

now, what should be done with these two beasts? one of my acquaintances said that they should be put in public and let all the women throw stones to the psychos’ genital.

as i’ve said in this entry before, the psychos should be tortured painfully until those monsters beg for death!!! and when that monsters finally beg for death, castrate them, and burn them in public, complete with live tv coverage!

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