Repent for the end MIGHT be near

did anyone notice anything peculiar this afternoon? around Donggongon to be exact. i didn’t of course coz i was working, in Likas.

anything extraordinary?

heard this from hubby who heard it from FIL.

FIL is a commissioner of oaths and his office is in Donggongon. so, anybody who has anything that needs to be certified, his office is just opposite the Jabatan Pendaftaran Penampang – near ching fah restaurant – heheh… sempat promote lagi.

he said this afternoon, it was raining and the sound was a bit different than usual. he went outside and guess what? it’s not rain water, it’s raining ICE! HAILSTORM???!!! in Donggongon??? hubby’s aunt also called the house and said about the same thing… so? anyone heard about anything???

hubby said i must me more loving (towards him) because… THE END IS NEAR!!!

well, it could be someone throwing icecubes from above…

i don’t know…

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