i officially turned 28 years ‘young’ last sunday, 9th Dec.
didnt do anything on that day… in the evening, we just bought the KFC family bucket and head on to my papa’s apartment. everyone except my 2nd younger brother was there. titi stay d kg, jaga rumah…
my family bought me a cake… mango cake which was very sedap… kana kasi nyanyi happy bday lagi… c ellone paling kuat nyanyi hehehe… and then ada acara meniup candle lagi… hehehe… GOD i havent done that in years!!! my cake was full with candles… mcm telampau tua sudah… hehehe… ellone helped me lagi to blow them out. got some pics, in my papa’s camera so, later lah… if nice, i’ll post them here.. hahaha… ada kaaa…
been very busy for the past few weeks…
had my final exam on 28th Nov – 4th Dec so, during that time, i was totally in student mode. sudah lah tu… the exam schedule was very packed. my classmates had one subject every day, 28th – 4th. so kesian, no gap. but kesian2 pun, i thought my schedule was more crazier. just imagine, on 28th i got Advanced Database & Calculus both from 10:00 to 1:00. talked to my lecturer and the penyelaras, they suggested i take both subjects one after the other! bingung juga mula-mula… but then i thought perhaps i should just go for it, get it done and over with. lagipun i had the feeling (and i was right) that i wont be able to answer the database questions, and i might only take 1/2 hour for that particular subject – and i was right, again. so immediately after i finished the database paper, raised my hand, lecturer handed me the calculus paper. luckily the exams was conducted in the same hall.
but then, i think i did poorly for both subjects… nda apa la… suda limpas juga.
jangan nda percaya, after the exam, i went to play 4 rounds of bowling. it’s actually a selection session for Sukan Staf – which will be held on the 14th – 16th Sept. Bukan pandai main punnn… saja… and the next day, exam again.
finished my exam on the 3rd, so 4th masuk kerja sudah… had some difficulty to switch back to U*S Staff Mode.
on the 5th, there was a futsal selection session. bah, apa lagi… nda pernah2 main futsal ni, decided to try out and i tell you… that game was extremely exhausting!!! Mendapat pengalaman hampir mati di gelanggang… feel like my lungs have been squeezed so tight i couldnt breath… betul2 hampir mati d gelanggang! but then again, so strange i was selected kunun had futsal training last monday & yesterday… ok sudahlah… tidak suda mo mati di gelanggang…
tendangan pun semakin improve, it’s just that mula2, tendangan ok ja… can score one or two goals lagi, but after a while, bola pun ntah pi mana2 sudah… heheh
on the 6th pula, there was a netball selection session. bah, netball is one of my game also so, decided to try out and sure enough i was selected. pemain lama kan… bukan lah champion sangat but bulih laa siiiikit… had training last tuesday and yesterday…
did u notice i had 2 trainings yesterday? satu futsal and then after that netball?? Fuh… mcm sportswoman of the year pula…
itu blm lagi tu….
on the 7th, there was a badminton selection session macam tamaha ni, i decided to try out again and was selected by default. bukan pandai main pun but there are only three of us who went for the session, so tiga2 selected lah… 1 will play for single and 2 for double.
so tomorrow, at 8:30 a.m will be the badminton tournament. 2:30 p.m netball tournament.
saturday, 7:00 p.m will be the futsal tournament.
wish me luck la ya ppl!
Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara