ok… a few weeks ago, i visited an acquaintance’s blog which i havent visited for years… and he mentioned Facebook in his entry for that day, also mentioned that it is waaaayyyy cooler than Friendster *sorry friendster* so, went to check on facebook’s website but the main page is not that interesting, so i didnt sign-up.
then, a few days later, joyce mentioned facebook again, asking me whether i’ve heard of it. told me that she had already signed-up and even stay up til late just to customize her page, add applications and so on. so, i was like… ok, there must be something great about this site. so, i signed-up myself and automatically “ter-invite” all those ppl in my gmail. even those yg dari lelong.com pun ter-invite juga.
but then again… i still dont know my way around facebook… i dont know what to add… dont know what to do next… was bitten by “joyce the vampire” and become a vampire myself. tried to “bite” other ppl, but nobody has agreed to be bitten yet maybe ada sudah, but i dunno how to check
ya, i know… i sound stoopid.
and today, i’m supposed to go to class but diserang penyakit malas… decided to stay home. lagipun, c jnr oso dont hv enough sleep for the past few days, so i let him sleep and i take care of the kids. baby x and ellone (and their daddy) are now asleep… finally i had some free time for myself.
gave facebook another try… added a few application including an aquarium & a graveyard. i had just found out that i have money in facebook . had 400 coins so i bought myself 3 cute fishes (25 coins each) and a starfish (25 coins) – well, actually i “send” myself fish… dunno whether that’s the correct way to do it – but heyy… who cares… all that matter is now, i have 3 fishy-fishy and a starfish in my fishtank!
wanted to add more fish but no moneyyyy… so you out there, sign-up for facebook now and give me some fish! show me the fishyyyy…
and to those of you who already join, add me
muka tidak malu mem-promote diri sendiri ni…
my graveyard is still empty… wanted to add some zombies and ghosts but also no moneyyy… bah, be generous u guys… send me some ghosts as well… and if you’re more generous, maybe you can send me those items in my wishlist too…