i’ve been tagged by Azlina quite some time ago… but i was kinda lazy to blog lately… hence the very long delay. lagipun, i think all about me is weird.. had a very hard time shortlisting the top 6 . i’m bored stiff today so might as well play tag.
so, 6 weird things about mimi:-
1. I knit yaa… i know…
2. i tend to think like a programmer even on non work-related matters. i always have if-then-else punya thinking… always have switch-case-default… programmers would understand…
3. i dont eat duck and rabbit bcos i think they’re cute
4. i collect stamps at my age, it is considered weird ok…
5. i buy make-ups, but i dont use them
6. i only have 1 pair of shoes
banyak lagi… but want 6 only kan?
not tagging anybody coz i think everyone i know had already done this so… that’s it lah…