today was ‘almost’ an unproductive day for me. still on leave and i had nothing to do. woke up at about 8:30 a.m and then spent my time surfing the net and downloading stuff. finally decided to take my bath at 11:00 a.m, had breakfast – which is more like brunch – and then decided that i need a hairwash. just realized that i hvnt washed my hair for almost 2 weeks! i’m disgusting, i know… so at about 11:30 a.m, headed to Julia’s saloon and had a very nice and relaxing hairwash. steamed my hair and shaped my eyebrows too… but looks like my right eyebrow is higher than the left one…
not that obvious laa.. so… dont want to be fussy, just leave it be. nanti tumbuh, kasi bagus la. went to do some grocery shopping at chua kah seng.
when i get home, surf the net again until about 3:30p.m… had my lunch and then watched CSI Season 7 Episode 8, which is not aired in Malaysia yet and then Desperate Housewives Season 3 Episode 9 right after. also not aired in Malaysia yet.
yerrrr… i really hate mike for losing his memory! and also that new MIL of Bree’s. very annoying ooo…
my MIL came home from work at about 5:00 p.m, helped her to prepare dinner in the kitchen. nah… see… that’s why i said ‘almost’ unproductive day. at least, late in the evening, i did do something emm… productive.
oya, when i came back from tambunan yesterday, a cute little puppy greeted us. they called him ‘kampung’. dunno why, maybe bcos it is a kampung dog
jnr will be coming home tomorrow, yayyyy!!!
he’s currently outstation in lahad datu since monday. being away from each other needs a little getting used to coz we’ve never been apart since we had ellone. last month, he went to Sandakan but just for one night. this time, three nights… i really really really miss him. gosh, never felt this ‘missing’ feeling for so long… anyway, i’ve read that being away once in a while is actually good for a healthy relationship so i guess, i’ll have to tahan lah. i’m still lucky, some ppl dont see each other for months! i’m glad he’s coming home tomorrow…
on the other hand… ellone is now officially a kid!
last night was her first night sleeping without a diaper she had been potty-trained for months and for the last 2 months or so, we only put on her diapers during her sleeping time and for the last few days, whenever i checked her diaper in the morning, it was always dry. so, last night, i decided to take the risk
and she passed the test with flying colors! wahhh… mummy’s sooooo proud of her little darling.
and now, she also can talk like a 4 year old kid. Lurus, clear, except for the ‘R’ of course… another wonderful thing to be proud of. and i dont think it’s wrong to be proud when ppl tell you that you hv a very smart kid. but i know laa… talking at her age doesnt necessarily means that she’s smart… oya, and we had also manage to get her off the ‘cucut’ about more than 2 months ago… so, there… she’s not a baby or a toddler anymore!
oklah… that’s all for now.. toodles ppl!