yesterday marked the end of my hectic life! from today onwards, *hopefully* i’ll get to relax a bit. still hv to register students for the e-learning system, but at least i can do that slowly, perhaps a school per day… about 7 more schools to go and i’m done. so… that means… by tuesday next week, i should hv already registered all students, a job that shd be done by a data entry clerk but since we dun hv one, hv to be done by me.
hmm… what else is new… emm… oklah… i think it’s time for me to tell you guys that i’m now expecting my second baby. no… dont congratulate me just yet… i’m not ready to be congratulated. to tell the truth, i was far from ready to add another member to the family. sorry u mommies out there but if u were in my shoes, u’d feel the same too. i had actually planned to finish my studies first but i know… that’s a very selfish thought. now, i hv to defer again… i dont know… this whole thing made me feel like quitting (my studies). but ppl, i’m doing very well (very very very well), so sayang to quit. and so kesian si ellone, still so small and yet, hv to be a big sister already… anyhow… guess i’ll just hv to emm… go on with my life and see what the future has in store for me lah… right now, i’ll try to be as happy as i can. havent told my in-laws yet, biar diorg tau sendiri la… but told my mom already… my mom, she just laughed it off… i was crying when i called her last week and being a very supportive and caring mom that she is, told me not to cry, dont be sad, nanti the baby mengaus she also said “nokuro to mihad? hishh… okon ko aharo sawo” (what are you crying for? it’s not like you dont have a husband)
my mom dis… and to think that 10 yrs ago, cant even see eye to eye with my mom, always get on each others nerves… now, like kawan2 pula
i also planned to hv my confinement in tambunan dis time. want my mama to pamper me
oklah… enough about me.
just found out yesterday that some UMS officers are actually reading my blog! guess i have to put the disclaimer back, in case ada org tekena batang hidung… but so malas to write my own disclaimer. can somebody write one for me please