just finished packing my stuff. oh, did i mention that we’re moving (to a new office building)? guess not kan? well, the management has decided that they’re taking the whole twin tower to themselves and shoo-ed us to the *drum roll* LIBRARY! how cool is that? WOW!!! THE LIBRARYYYY!!! OH WOW!!! heiii… menumpang lagiiiii!!! i’m not that keen on moving there coz i heard from the sumber-sumber yg boleh dipercayai, we’re not welcomed there. they dont even want to let us use their pantry. we hv an icebox and our boss said, ok, we’ll only tumpang the icebox there but we will put smartcard access on the icebox and only U*MTP people can use it… nah!
sampai macam begitu bah…
since i’m not doing anything right now and since mrBadak tagged me, guess i’ll do this just for fun…
the rules are :
- The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
- Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
- Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
- If you are tagged the second time. There is NO need to do this again.
- Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
i do think that being married makes this a lot easier, i already have my perfect lover…
8 different points about my perfect lover
- emm… JNR is obviously MALE
- loving / caring
- understanding
- accepts me for what i am
- funny
- athletics
- taller than i
- wakes up (willingly) in the middle of the night to tend the baby
eh? 8 oredi ka? oo… hehehee… i’ve got a lot more…
bah, oklah… give chance to other ppl la… the next victims are *drum roll* btw, can tag the same ppl bah kan?
bah, hv fun u guys!
oya, Brazil vs Croatia tonight kan?