Going on Hiatus

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends…

unfortunately, no one woke me up and i overslept until october

ok, the purpose of today’s entry is to let you all know that i’ll be going on hiatus for a while… the title says it all, i’m going on hiatus.

why? some of u (who frequented my blog) might be wondering why… well, mainly it’s bcos :-

1. i’d like to work on a new skin – not my skin, skin for my blog bah! yalaaa… the design labah i’m talking about

2. nothing interesting happened lately.. my life has been extraordinarily ordinary

3. not enough time

4. i’ve been busy planning strategies to get more money . so… now i’m like

5. and most of all, i finally realized that this blogging world can get really really nasty . the past few days, i’ve been spending my time reading blogs on the net and i’ve seen bloggers competing with each other, hating each other and leaving hate comments on each others blog. some of those comments are extremely hurtful. i guess i’m not ready to receive that kind of comments yet – not that i hv any – but still, the thought scares me.

so, before i go i’d like to apologize to all of you if i’ve ever hurt your feelings or offended you in any way.

by the way, my photo gallery Captured Memories : Special Moments Frozen in Time will always be updated so, visit me there, ok?

izinkan patik mengundur diri

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