ok… i think i’m done being angry.
from now on, i’ll try posting happy posts. so… where do i start?
oklah… let me start with a classic riddle :-
A hunter leaves his base camp one morning and travels one mile due south. He then turns and travels one mile due east. At this point, he shoots a bear. Taking the direct route, he travels one mile due north and is back at the base camp.
What color is the bear?
i’m not expecting you to answer this.. hehehhh.. i first found this riddle when i was about 10 from reader’s digest and of course i was like “WHAT??!!!” everytime my friends and i play teka-teki, i’ll always ask them this. hehehhhe… love to see the expression on their face. but i tell you… i dont really like playing teka-teki coz most of the time, i couldnt guess the right answer – especially teka-teki yg mogunsamang.
Example :
Sebanyak-banyak binatang, binatang apa yang pandai jual beg?
Sebanyak-banyak penguin, penguin apa yg suka tolong perempuan lipat seluar dalam?
sebanyak-banyak tai, tai apa yg tidak nampak?
sebanyak-banyak burung, burung apa mata di kaki?
i think all riddles starting with “sebanyak-banyak *something*” are all mongunsamang only. but they’re funny tho.
what else do i find funny? sabahans in peninsular for the first time.
awak dari maner?
ooo… sayer dari sabe
this is the common one laa.. but this one is rare..
awak dari maner?
dari Sabah.
ooo… sabah dekat maner?
*puzzled look*
dakat sarawak laaa!!!
enough for the day…
mental block – again!