i was visiting mell’s blog and this statement (by someone by the name of kelly) has got me thinking, how can you be so real yet fake in this blogging world?
*mell, borrow first your phrases sikit aaa…*
blogging is like a network. u read sum1 else blog, u tend to write ur own review about that topic.
and i couldnt agree more. people talk about SPG (sarong party girl), you dont want to be left out. u would want people to know what’s your take on that issue and people talk about akademi fantasia, you would also want to voice out your thoughts on those kids… actually i think it was mainly because these people wanted to increase hits to their site *grin*. people googled Sarong Party Girl, google will display their site… and some bloggers are great writers and people will love what they read and they will keep coming back for more great stories…
oops… sorry… i think i’ve wandered off-topic a bit hehehehh…
well, how can you be so real yet fake?
personally for me, everything single thing i’ve ever blog about was never a lie. i’m not a “fake”. i’m being “so real”… but i only blog about stuff that i wanted to / am willing to share to the world. i will never lie or fake anything… if i’m not comfortable with something, i’ll chose not to blog about it at all instead of faking it. see, it’s that simple… doesnt really take much courage actually.
perhaps sometimes, when we blog, we tend to curse (with bad words) but in real life, we’ve never even say that word but that’s shows the real you! that’s being real… i dont know about the others lah but for me, i am being real.
(personally) i think most people who blog anonymously probably are fakes, why else would they want to be anonymous? maybe it’s just a way for them to “live their dreams”… who knows..
anyway… actually i was also once anonymous but that doesnt mean i’m a fake, it’s just that i was afraid of what ther people will say (about me) but time has changed. a blog is not an online (private) diary anymore. it’s about sharing your thoughts, experience and your life stories. people love talking about themselves and by blogging, you wont worry too much about people complaining that you talk too much about yourself 😀 and it’s also a good way to update your old time friends on what you’re up to these days instead of sending e-mails.
oklah… i have a meeting to go to.
bye for now!
have a nice day everyone!