My New Home

Hello… konichiwa (akma style) 😛

i decided that it’s a high time for me to fully utilize my domain. i’ve had it for like 2 months now and it’s been sitting somewhere out there doing nothing. so, as u can see, i think i have successfully setup an FTP connection to my domain but i must have done something wrong. y’see, i’ve read the Blogger Help on what happens after i move from blogspot to another server and it says :

If you switch your blog’s Publishing settings from Blog*Spot to an external server (or another Blog*Spot subdomain), your original subdomain will be released back into the available namespace. This means that other people can take it. A temporary workaround for this is to, once you’ve switched publishing settings, create a new blog with your previous subdomain to act as a placeholder. This keeps the subdomain associated with your account, preventing other users from using it.

i dont know why but somehow, i couldn’t create a new blog with my previous subdomain. i wanted to post a redirect to my new address but i just couldnt. i must have missed one step.


now i wanted to reply to all the comments that i’ve got on this entry.

to yone,
tq laa… telampau excited bah kami mo kasi naik dia baby walker hehehehh… baru2 juga sia start kasi makan dia tu. kasi makan tu Gerber punya cereal yg mixed fruit punya. i’ve tried a few but this is the only one yg she likes. sayang only the others. even the one yg bottled punya pun she doesnt like padahal sedap pun so, the mommy yg kasi habis lah… hehehehhh i fed her three times a day. 8 a.m, 1 p.m & 7 p.m. of course when i’m working, jnr’s grandmother yg feed her lah. very gundoot bah she… everytime i feed her kan, i make 3 spoon full tu… she finish also… kalau boleh o kikis lagi tu bowl… hehehehhh

to joyce,
ya bah kan… tu lah sia bilang, kalau dia tidur mimang nampak mcm jnr. the paha follow the mommy bah tu hehehehhhh… what i manang d e-bay? hehehehhh… malu sia mo kestau. tapi i manang coz nobody pi lawan sia hehehehhhh… kira manang tanpa bertanding lah! sia pi saja lah bcos takut mo pigi…

to mrbadak,
boleh bah…. no problem… my husband can claim his company tu harga burger hehehehehhh… entertain consultant hehehehhhh… but you still want to go to karamunsing meh??? parking bayar sudah mah skarang… no more free parking lerrr… ooo… mentang2lah dulu ko mo kasi jek2 c jordan & andrea tapi c yon was not that interested, now you want to kasi jek2 sama my daughter laa?? hehehh… ok juga lah… dia pun single juga skarang tuuu… hehehehhh…

i notice i giggle too much oo kan? heheheh <-- na see... couldnt help it bah! that's me. even when i'm typing this i'm giggling like mad. oklah… that’s all… want to watch diari akademi dulu. bye!

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