A Lazy Monday Afternoon

today indeed is a lazy monday

yesterday was labor day but since yesterday happened to be a sunday, today is officially observed as the holiday.

i’m kind of having a mental block right now… what do i write??? hmmm… guess a little update on what’s been happening since i last blogged.

ok, my last entry was last thursday… the one i sent via e-mail and via mobile phone. so strange, i’ve received delivery failure reports saying that i’m sending a spam mail but then, the entries were successfully published so… i just ignored those delivery failure thingy.

let’s see… what did i do on friday? oya, we had this meeting with the K*EKAUMAS (K*esatuan K*akitangan A*m). 😛 i (personally) think that it’s just a waste of time and i (personally) think i “dislike” the exco(s). memperjuangkan nasib kakitangan sokongan? bullsh*t! eksyen saja lebih 😛 okay, we did tell them about the problems we faced e.g not enough staff and all and kunun the exco looks very concerned and promised us that they’ll bring this to the upper management. let’s see if they can/will really do that. i (personally) think the exco(s) are in the union just for their personal interests. oops… i’m sorry if any of you exco(s) happened to read this, no offense, but this is exactly what i feel. but then again, i’m not sure if they’re IT literate enough to “bloghop” 😀 hehehehh… bad mimi, BAD MIMI! but really… my colleagues said most of the exco(s) “nampak tak cerdik” heheh… that’s her exact words.

ok, enough about that, otherwise somebody will seriously get in trouble

on saturday, UMS had this procession in conjunction with the Maulidur-Rasul celebration. actually, non-muslims are not compulsory to take part but we did – for the free baju kurung hehehehehhhehh and selendang hehehehheheh. i mean, come on… who wouldnt want free (new) clothes??? last year our theme color was light blue, this year is supposed to be yellow, but i think it looks more like light brown… ahh… anyway, dont want to do a lot of complaining – as long as it’s free, everything is beautiful… heheheh… like food also maahhh… all are tasty, especially if it’s free! and i think this year’s seamstress did a better job than the one last year. i’m really happy abt the new baju kurung (and selendang) but y’know, it’s been very hot and dry lately – and by very hot i mean VERY HOT – so, i got sunburnt eventhough i did use sunscreen… wahhhh… i got all pink… VERY PINK even the cashier at M*aju Cafe told me “wah… pinknya kakak” 😛 and now i look dark brown. reallyyyy… not only dark, but brown! Uwaaaa…. this year was the first time i manage to get my skin to be a bit fairer, now it’s all ruined!!! now i’m back to the old dark me… 🙁 tsk… tskkk….

i havent been taking any good pictures lately… but can anybody tell me what the hell is this?

that, my friend, is the K*FC C*olonel B*urger

looks really pathetic isnt it?

i think bagus lagi yg itu p*ilak2 jual di pasar malam, and cheaper some more! hmmmphhh… what ever happened to the good old days… i wonder

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